Expired site, redesigned..what happens to it?

Dec 29, 2004

I just bought a site www.boatcarpetbuys.com, we'll I'm in the process of purchasing it. It was abandoned and I am bidding to buy the domain name, it was once listed in DMOZ but since the site is now parked on a Network Solutions server it is pretty much dead.

When I rebuild the site can I relist it and is there a way I can check to see if the site was intentionally removed from the directy.




Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
There are very few accidental removals from the directory. VERY few. It is in general pretty safe to assume intention. If a site is dead, it's pretty safe to further assume we want very badly to make sure it's intentionally removed.

Having said all that, no, there's no way to check -- but it'd be a pretty big coincidence for a site to be ACCIDENTALLY removed, just at the time it was down, wouldn't it?

You may SUBMIT the new site. (It would hardly be the first domain name to re-appear under new proprietorship.) As with any site, you can't LIST it -- that's for the editor to review and decide. There is no presumption in favor of a domain name just because it has been listed before -- it'll take a fresh review from scratch. And, as always, we don't know when that review will take place, or who will do it.
Dec 29, 2004
Hi Hutch

Thank you for the reply.

I expect you get a lot of slack for not giving "exact" info...when is my site going to list, bla bla.

I appreciate the fast response and it was what I was hoping. Once the site is constructed and ready for business we'll relist and endure the process :D

Thanks for your help


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
No, we don't get cut any slack at all over it. No problem, though: that information is given out on a "need to know" -- I don't need to know it, so you can torture me with a million affiliate adSense pages, I CAN'T tell anything.

In fact, nobody needs to know that information, which is a good thing, since nobody knows it.
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