Extremely fast response

Sent my first application, didn't get it but an impressed it was replied within 2 hours, great job Editors! Get ready for my next application <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


Curlie Meta
Feb 28, 2002
Edited out 'cause I mis-read your post. <img src="/images/icons/blush.gif" alt="" />

Bad enarra, bad! <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" /> I have submitted a second application to a smaller directory. Also "invested" a little one hour on it to make sure what was written in the application is as good as it can get.

When it comes to the sites I have designed etc however, I got stuck as I have not designed any sites I did manage to upload onto the Internet for public access. I did include a brief summary of the work I did for school though, would that lock ODP's door for me? <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


Curlie Meta
Feb 28, 2002
No, not at all. Internet experience and websites is not required. We ask for your Internet experience to just learn more about you and how much help you'll need in regards to technical issues. We ask for your websites so that we know what sites your affiliated with. You see some people abuse their position in the directory in order to get a better listing for their site(s) in search engines. We want to know what sites you're connected to so we can prevent or stop abuse.

So, no worries. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

Sounds good. Hopefully I did not make any mistakes on spelling etc and get accepted. The category only has about 10 sites last time I checked so it shouldn't be a problem <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

That's odd. I tried several times today to submit an application and got only error messages. Did I miss a narrow open window or something else?


May 26, 2002
DMOZ was down for maintenance on Tuesday. During Wednesday it was on and off multiple times while problems were sorted out. Maybe you caught the back end of this?


Jun 4, 2002
What was the error exactly? Seems others have had problems in the recent past and it had to do with browser or firewall or ISP... or something. Take a look at some of the other threads in the "Becoming an Editor" forum. Is your problem like any of those?

I had some errors as well. Browser was loading the next page but took forever, had to submit it again and possibly have submitted more than two applications. Last submission took more than 24 hours, could it be because of that? Or do I need to be more patient? <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" />

Took your advice, djdeeds, and looked at some older posts. Neon had similar prob to me, so I went from EI 5.x to Mozilla, resubmitted just minutes ago, and the applic. went right through without a hitch. I think the problem is related to the fact that, in IE, I've disabled too many functions in the security area and inadvertently took out one that was important for the purpose at hand here.

Anyway, I got the confirmatory email as expected and thanks.


Curlie Meta
Feb 28, 2002
Yjsync, what editor name did you pick? I looked for "yjsync" and didn't see you in the queue.


Mar 25, 2002
Yjsync, what username did you use, and which category did you apply to edit? This helps us in checking the queue.

Good luck! <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />

I lost the position <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" /> Nick is "omnistare". Please forgive me for the delay in reply - a bit busy with some assignments for the week! Now that it is over, I am back <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" />


Mar 25, 2002
I lost the position. Nick is "omnistare".

Jjsync, please don't become discouraged.

Here are a few things to consider:
*** What size category did you apply to edit? A category for a new editor should generally be approximately 100 or less sites.
*** The problem may be with the category you are applying to edit. There are some categories within the directory which are a bit harder to be accepted into due to subject or services.
*** You may wish to choose a different, smaller category to begin as an editor. After being accepted and working on your first category, you may then apply for a new category if your edits are within the guidelines.
*** Look over the Open Directory Guidelines with regard to appropriate titles and descriptions before completing your next application. Here is the link: http://dmoz.org/guidelines/describing.html

If you prefer not to leave the category name you are applying to edit on this board, you can leave it in PM for me if you like.

If you have any questions regarding completing the application, please feel free to ask. We'll do the best we can to help. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />

Best regards,

- size of category was initially 80 or so, then the second was only 11... <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" />
- it is a regional category - portals, don't see why <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" />
- spent a good hour or so looking through the guidelines and putting up a title. Am a Zeal Editor as well - so know what is expected of us.

Will give it another go in a few hours after reading the whole thing again, if it still doesn't work, will PM you <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" />


Mar 25, 2002
Will give it another go in a few hours after reading the whole thing again, if it still doesn't work, will PM you
Yjsync, the directory will be offline most of today for maintenance. You may wish to compile your information for the application in a word document, then wait until later this evening or tomorrow to submit.

Make sure any sites that you recommend do not have a focus on affiliate advertisement.

Good luck. <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" />


Curlie Meta
Feb 28, 2002
btw. Zeal's guidelines are different than ours, and they tend to write in a style different than we do as well. Though their style isn't wrong by our guidelines, it isn't favoured either. The difference is in the way they start a description generally:

Zeal-like: "Find photos, information on cows, and a journal."
ODP-like: "Contains photos, information on cows, and a journal."

Slight difference, but there you are. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> You're descriptions don't have to be perfect to be accepted though, be sure your spelling and grammar are good, and that you fill out the application completely. Also read the tips at the top of this forum.

Next time you apply tell us the editor name and category. We can't garrantee you'll be accepted, but if one of the regulars here see it we can at least give you more concrete advice.

Good luck, your dedication and desire is admirable, I hope you make it.


A comment here about Zeal guidelines. I happen to be a Zeal editor at a moderately high level; I am the Zealot of "Drug Use &amp; Abuse", which contains more profiles than the ODP equivalent. In the specific examples that you gave, the ODP-like one wouldn't be technically wrong by the Zeal guidlines, although we would favor the other. Where the problem tends to come in is that with a large cat, the guidelines also state to vary descriptions and not template. Thus, having 77 descriptions in a cat that start out "Find...", or a similar variation, gets monotonous.
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