


Hi There
I have a website at http://www.eyetraveller.com. I originally submitted to Business: Arts and Entertainment: Photography: Stock back in December of 2002. I patiently waited but unfortunately was never listed. I attempted again in February but again it was never listed. I sent an inquiry to the editor but never recieved a reply. I have tried to resubmit to a more specific category but now recieve the server error message. I feel eyetraveller.com is a very professional site that I have worked hard on, and am proud of. I have kept within all the guidelines and suggestions for being listed on DMOZ. It has been included on almost every major search engine or directory except for DMOZ. Can someone please give me some advice or feedback why it possibly has not been included, and what i can do to improve its chances of being listed. I am also wondering what I can do to submit now that I am recieving the server problem that has been reported in this forum. Thanks


May 26, 2002
Re: Server Error - Any other options?

This should really be in the Site Submission Status forum.

Additionally the guidelines ask for a clickable link to the category to save our time: http://www.resource-zone.com/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=status&Number=3025

Your site has been moved, a couple of months ago, to: http://dmoz.org/Business/Arts_and_Entertainment/Photography/Stock/ where it currently awaits review.

As a surfer, not an editor, I note some discrepancies between what you promise, and what you deliver in terms of the words "Royalty Free", though that is of no concern to us as editors.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.