Feedback please from an editor/moderator

kevin cliffe

Dec 11, 2006

I submitted my URL on 7th September 2006, but my site has not yet appeared. I do not know if this is because it has been rejected as I have had no feedback. I think I may have suggested my URL to the wrong category therefore I re-submitted my URL again on 29th September 2006. Does this mean that my URL will have been rejected becuase i have now submitted it twice?

Can someone give me some feedback please?

My URL is <url removed> The category I should be in is


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
Hi Kevin,

I'm sorry, but what you are asking for is a status report, and as you can see from this thread we no longer provide those.

Suggesting your URL for review twice will not have caused automatic rejection, don't worry about that. You may want to read the FAQ which is linked from the top of each forum here and has answers to several of your questions -- also note that we haven't been able to edit at all since Oct 20, due to some ongoing technical difficulties.

Thank you.
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