Few questions please!


Sep 15, 2009

1. I submitted my site couple of weeks back. Later while browsing through different categories of DMOZ, I found one category which actually SUITS MY SITE BEST. So I submitted to this category today. I never meant to spam, its a quality site for sure and 100% fits in this category. :) I hope its not a problem :eek:.

2. Is it a good idea to use the email address of the site/domain (which we are submitting) rather than a free one like yahoo etc. Does it value more in the approval process?

3. The new category to which I have submitted my site today is:

My site fits really well in here, and there are ONLY 15 sites listed in this category. Are there any chances that this category may not have any editor. What happens in this case?

P.S. I applied to become an editor of this category couple of weeks ago, as I think I can manage it really well. Its my field and I'd love to take care of it.

Thank You
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