Finding out what categorey you submitted too?


Dec 6, 2004
I submitted around a month ago, and I am trying to figure out exactly what categorey I submitted too. There are a few that look so familiar.

I had the information recorded but when I got a stupid hijack virus I had to format and didn't back up the file.

Is there a way to find out? If not I will try contacting the editors in the sections I belive I submitted too, and see if they can verify for me.

Thanks everyone.

URL is

Grant ;)


Apr 15, 2003
Somtimes we can tell you, but in this case, we have no way of knowing where it was submitted. Please don't contact editors, it means they have to spend a lot of time running around trying to find something that may not be there.

If you don't have a history of multiple submissions, just choose the best category and submit again.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
This isn't something the ODP database supports. Actually, from an editor's point of view, it really isn't something that's needed. If you KNOW a URL, you can see where it has been added, and you can add it to (or remove it from) any category you can edit. You can move it to unreviewed in any other category -- and duplicate editor moves has historically not been a problem for us. And if you don't know the URL, you can't ask the question.

So you can do the same thing we do: submit the site to the category you think best fits. If you haven't been shotgun spamming already, one more submittal won't cause the site a bad reputation or anything. And then you can bump the thread in a month to check the status.
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