Following the rules with respect but need HELP


Nov 23, 2004
I have been waiting to get listed. I run <url deleted> and have been on the web over 4 years. We service about 20,000 new customers a year. I think we are relevant. I have tried for the past 24 months to get listed. IThis thread will get you to the last remark I received about my site. It stated it was under review and not to re submit. I have not, in fact I have not been back to this board sinnce November of last year. I respectfully ask for someone at DMOZ to get back to me on this issue.
Thank you in advance for your help.:) :)


Apr 15, 2003
You may wish to read the forum FAQ. Here is the simple minded summary:

1. Submit a site - and ensure you follow the rules
2. If you are really insecure and have doubts if the site got submiited - submit again.
3. Get on with other ways to promote your site.
4. Optionally every month or so search to see if your site is listed.

We no longer give status (as mentioned in your previous thread) and we do not expedite listings as a result of postings here.

It's totally unpredicatable when sites get reviewed.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002

Assuming that some editor wanted to get in touch with owners of all the ten or twenty million websites not listed in the ODP, which ones should be contacted first, and why?


Nov 23, 2004
Help versus the standard 2 year respone would be appreciated

I do not claim to understand the complexity if DMOZ. I do continue to read, however, in places such as WebPro World and many other forums on how bias DMOZ can be. I believe I have been polite, patient and willing to try to ensure I meet your requirements. I don't think by asking for some update after 14 months is being insensitive to the editors. I in fact filled out information on being an editor a few years ago....again no response. I see other posts in this same listing that badger and threaten DMOZ editors, how silly. It does however get 30-50 responses from editors defending and arguing with the poster.

I was again polite and had two response, both of which did not help me. It's unfortunate we have time to argue on the forums instead of spending that time bettering the www

As for waiting for DMOZ.... I will continue. I believe it's a good engine and could be very useful for my site. Every large competitor that does exactly what I do is in DMOZ, so relevancy should not be an issue. I will however as you suggest go on promoting my site. With a runrate of over 20,000 new customers this year alone, I guess I have.

Again any help would be appreciated:) :)


Curlie Meta
Apr 16, 2005
We understand the frustrations that people have with the ODP. Unfortunately it is caused by a different set of perceptions. Every business is (quite rightly) concerned with promoting themselves in order to be successful and the ODP is seen as one (debatably) important means of doing so.

Editors are concerned with trying to produce a directory that covers all aspects of the web. Sometimes the two overlap and businesses get listed, but the nature of the ODP is that this cannot be expected or predicted. This leads to a perception of unfairness from the unlisted, which is in fact more a result of 'randomness'.

Fairness is a difficult concept to apply since the only fair way is to review every extant website at once! The pragmatic way is to allow a mixed bunch of editors to edit where they feel they are needed in order that the net result is (hopefully) representative of what the wider audience of surfers would like. It is just as likely that an editor interested in your 'topic', could come across your site independantly and add it.

Without knowing anything about your site, if you have a bricks and mortar location for your business, which is clearly listed on the site, you may also suggest it to the location category in Regional. (If you have multiple locations, then the location of the head office - usual rules 1 suggestion to topic, 1 to regional).

Whilst posting in these forums does not get you listed any faster, your patience and politeness are appreciated. :)



Nov 23, 2004
Thanks for the Tip on Regionals

I do have brick and mortar in St. Louis. I was unaware of the regional avenue. I apprecaite the tip. I will try to figure it out.

and by the way, life is to short not to be polite

"It's only life after all" Indigo Girls:)
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