For DMOZ Staff Only...


Apr 6, 2008
We wanted to send this to dmoz staff in an email, however, all email is bounced back.

We have a non-profit 'teacher complaint' site which was featured on NBC and Fox news sites (TV) across the United States (ref; A Few Links below)..

The site was listed some time ago at dmoz and I feel certain that the description was correct as it was prepared by an editor who works with CNN.

There isn't another site remotely like it on the internet - quoting one NBC reporter as saying...

After the site was submitted to dmoz - We noticed that dmoz had already added Bing and Hulu (even before they opened their site up, while the sites were considered unfinished by anyones standards.)

Even the domain name 'Bing' was owned by a different person at the end of last year. Which leads us to speculate why 'bing' was added within a week after submission, while other people have to wait months and years to get added?

Is it dmoz's policy to select sites which now have the most money and influence? and over look the other non-profits, information based sites, for a later date?

The Teacher Complaint site is being lined up on Good Morning America and other news sites as well as talk shows for the end of the summer months...

I would like to believe that dmoz is a trusted directory, however, I am somewhat confused.

It is simply ashame that during this exiting time in one websites history... No one (NO ONE) can search dmoz looking for any information on our site as dmoz hasn't listed it.

Ref: News links...

Fox News...
<URLs removed>
I understand that dmoz is a free directory, one that is human based - One that most people admire deeply...

However, I am confused by what I see happening at dmoz. It sends the wrong signal to most people like myself who depend or want to turn to dmoz for 'real information' ... I certainly don't want this message to send the wrong signal by any standard, however, I can't and don't lie. I am somewhat confused watching unfinished, wealthy sites 'get in' while other non-profit sites are put on hold..


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> For DMOZ Staff Only...
Sorry, this forum is run by DMOZ editors. I don't know if any one from DMOZ Staff is reading this forum, they have atleast never posted any replies.

> Which leads us to speculate why 'bing' was added within a week after submission,
It is much more probable that it wasn't suggested at all. DMOZ editors have as task to build the directory not to list suggested websites. If we know of a site we want to list we can list it, there is no need to wait until it gets suggested.

> while other people have to wait months and years to get added?
Seems you are waiting on a service we do not provide.

> Is it dmoz's policy to select sites which now have the most money and influence?
No, it never has been and it never will be.
> and over look the other non-profits, information based sites, for a later date?
All websites are treathed the same.

You might think that your website is important and should be listed but so do millions of other website owners. And they all will have to wait until an editor is interested enough in the subject to review the suggestions. Which maybe tomorrow, or next week, month, year, or maybe only over several years. I for instance know that I will never look at sites like yours as I do not like the subject.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Hi, I'm an Open Directory editor. That means I've spent a LOT of time using search engines. And the other active editors do also. Any time there's a change in the search engine world -- new search engine, new feature or name change in an old search engine, whatever -- we notice it immediately. Just like a farmer would notice a new tractor design, or an engineer would know about a new metal fastener. It doesn't matter how much money the search engine owner spends to HIDE it -- we do search, we'll know about it.

Most likely, the first editor who visited "Microsoft Live Search" noticed the name change and fixed the Open Directory listing.

I'm also an internet volunteer. That means I spend my free time doing stuff with a computer. As a result, I don't watch much TV. I don't have cable, or a TV to watch it on. It doesn't matter how much money you spend promoting stuff on TV -- beer, cars, websites, legal services, whatever -- I won't find out about it. Ever.

Your enormous (and no doubt incredibly expensive) promotional efforts will doubtless reach the sort of people who watch Good Morning America. But I trust the experience will have conclusively demonstrated that enormously expensive promotional efforts CAN'T buy Open Directory listings.

And that's a lesson worth remembering.


Apr 6, 2008
Ok, I think I understand

hutcheson said:
Your enormous (and no doubt incredibly expensive) promotional efforts will doubtless reach the sort of people who watch Good Morning America. But I trust the experience will have conclusively demonstrated that enormously expensive promotional efforts CAN'T buy Open Directory listings.

And that's a lesson worth remembering.

First, We have never spent a penny on any 'promotional efforts' as you implied and don't understand why you would even imply that we would offer to pay to be in dmoz. News contacted us as they saw our site as being unique. It wasn't something we had to pay for..

Unlike Microsoft who just released and stated, "Microsoft is spending an estimated $80 million to $100 million to advertise its new Internet search engine called Bing." (ref: CNN 6.9.2009) - We simply don't have the resources and can't afford to inadvertently try and buy our way into directories by way of a popularity contest.

Our site is geared to parents and students to compare, complain about teachers, homework, discipline and classroom behavior.

We understand that some teachers are distressed by the site, however, we have received a great deal of support from other teachers, wishing us luck with the site.

In today's world, We expect so much from our children - Schools are pushing children to their limits. Which seems to be working well, however, along with this strict training comes responsibility from those who teach. We are only wanting to raise awareness to what goes on in school. By doing this, We can not only raise grades among students but involvement between staff, students and parents.

If we expect perfection out of our students - Why don't we expect the same out of those who are teaching?

There is an old saying that reads that "for every successful person, there was a great teacher." We agree with that cold heartedly, however, we feel that behind every failure, there was a bad teacher. It only takes one bad teacher to hurt 30-45 children a year...

And, if you consider how many that are arrested daily by searching google news for, "Teacher Arrested" .... you'll see why we have put up this website. (ref: http://- ) Which leads us to wonder how many cases go un-reported and how many children are really hurt.... How many of these cases could have been avoided if teachers knew that a site like this existed out there which gives voices to those who never knew how to speak up before....

There are tons of other search engines out there providing the same material as Microsoft's Bing... But there isn't another site out there that lets parents and students complain about teachers, schools and conduct at the time of this post.

I wasn't trying to open up any conflict regarding listing our site into dmoz. I was simply trying to grasp what, why and how sites were being considered and listed into dmoz.

I was somewhat confused by reading the post which stated;

I for instance know that I will never look at sites like yours as I do not like the subject.

Based on that statement, I am led to believe that dmoz editors only use dmoz as their own personal 'book marking site' and rule out other unique sites that other people might find useful or valuable.

That opens up some insight on why some unique sites are listed while others are ignored. Hopefully, we can use that quote on air as we would like to inform people not to look for us in dmoz.

The only reason that we turned to dmoz is to inform people of the site. The more people that know about our site, the more people we can help.

Since our site has opened it's doors we have been able to turn over one incident to detectives in GA - (In which a student was sexually assaulted.) We sincerely hope that our site continues to grow so that we can continue helping children and putting a end to some of these predators...

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions and concerns. I must admit that I am leaving with more concerns than answers - But it's all good as it is what it is.

Keep up the great work with dmoz - wishing you guys and the directory the best!


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I think there's a cultural divide here. It's not just that I don't watch TV. I'm not in the advertising industry (I don't know any editors who are), I've never read any of their trade journals or press releases boasting about what new clients the agencies have, or how much income they're getting. (I can't imagine caring, either.) I know about Microsoft because they produce (bad) software, not because they spend money on advertising.

But even if you think (like I do) that Bill Gates ought to be hanged by his entrails from the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in a hurricane, and Microsoft OUGHT to (but doesn't) aspire to be a producer of fifth-rate products--you still know about Bing. All the online tech comics have been mocking the name for all it's worth, which is a great deal.

On the other hand, people who don't watch much TV aren't going to be affected by mass-media kinds of PR campaigns. It's really that simple.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
mindoutlet said:
Based on that statement, I am led to believe that dmoz editors only use dmoz as their own personal 'book marking site' and rule out other unique sites that other people might find useful or valuable.
Close but not close enough.
All DMOZ editors are volunteers who as a hobby collect websites to share with other people. Instead of doing it as an individual the DMOZ editors are doing this together with other people with the same hobby. Each editor has his/her special interest subjects for which he collects websites. With so many editors there will be a lot of subjects we as a group are interested in. But there are also numerous subjects none of us are interested in. That is not a problem. Maybe one of the current editors will get an interest in such a subject or a new editor will join our ranks and start collecting websites for that subject.

The Old Sarge

Feb 3, 2006
Idaho, USA
I am led to believe that dmoz editors only use dmoz as their own personal 'book marking site' and rule out other unique sites that other people might find useful or valuable.

You've been misled. :)


Apr 6, 2008
Thanks You!

pvgool said:
Close but not close enough.
All DMOZ editors are volunteers who as a hobby collect websites to share with other people. Instead of doing it as an individual the DMOZ editors are doing this together with other people with the same hobby. Each editor has his/her special interest subjects for which he collects websites. With so many editors there will be a lot of subjects we as a group are interested in. But there are also numerous subjects none of us are interested in. That is not a problem. Maybe one of the current editors will get an interest in such a subject or a new editor will join our ranks and start collecting websites for that subject.

That is easy to understand even for dummies like myself :) We hope we didn't offend anyone or editors by posting our questions and concerns, but by the professional answers that we received in return - we don't think we did. I sincerely hope you can understand our point of view.

We know a site like this is very different than anything 'out there' but it is one that is needed based on the data received through vital correctional statistics in which thousands of teachers are incarcerated due to incidents with students.

Awareness is key and somewhat our only way to inform people about dealing with situations. Again, we were able to save 1 child in just a few short months - If we continue to grow, we sincerely hope we can continue to help others. We appreciate your help and replies.
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