For how many times?


Jul 24, 2008
hello friends

i am new to this forum but not for DMOZ directory. i have my own site which is professional business and separate and personal own site. not like free webpages or free site etc.

i am submitting and suggesting my site since last 6 months to dmoz in same appropriate category, but can you believe it after submitted my site atleast 4-5 times since last 6 months in same appropriate category, my site is still not listed in DMOZ? i really really very much confused now, what is DMOZ is doing since last 6 months? has dmoz stopped to accpet new sites or anything else like there is no editors available since last 6 months? i tried many times to submit my site to google directory but every time it refers to DMOZ and dmoz is not listing my site since last 6 months. now what i have to do? can anybody pls. give me DMOZ contact details or any suggestions what i need to do?



Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
ODP is a volunteer organisation and editors edit where they wish, when they wish and as much as they wish within the constraints of their permissions. We have no system to force people to do work that they don't volunteer to do. ODP is not a free listing service for website owners and it does not attempt to process their listing suggestions within the time scales desired by them.

Somebody will get around to looking at your listings suggestions in time but we can't predict who or when that might be - or the result.

Also, there's no point in suggesting your website more than once. It doesn't speed up the process and can cause extra work for our editors - which slows it down.


Jul 2, 2008
I tihnk yoiu think should hire some people for editors but even then taskes forever, just sit until your no. gets called at the hospital.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
I tihnk yoiu think should hire some people for editors
But then it wouldn't be a voluntary organisation would it?

If you're looking for a directory that pays its editors, there are several out there. I think you'll find that they all want $ from you though. TANSTAAFL :)


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Jesol said:
just sit until your no. gets called at the hospital.

If we would compare DMOZ to a hospital it would look like this.
It would have some 590.000 waiting rooms.
It also has a map to find these rooms
Every visitor looks at the map and goes to the room he thinks is the best for him.
Did you notice that the visitor was not send to the room by a frontdesk and that he did not get a number.
Once in a while a doctor (editor) enters one of the waiting rooms and ask one of the vistors to come with him to the examination room.
The doctor just picked a visitor at random or a vistor he likes by the looks of the visitor.
After examination by the doctor the visitor is either declared a patient and is given the proper treathment (the site gets listed) or the visitor is declared an imposter and he is send away (the site got rejected). If the visitor would be a patient but for an other doctor the patient is send to an onther waiting room.
The doctor (editor) now either goes to one of the waiting rooms (could be the same as before or a different one) and gets an other visitor. The doctor can also decide that he does not want to see any more visitors today and he leaves the hospital.

If this would happen in a real hospital it could result in the death of a vistor. That is why real hostpitals prefer another way of handling visitors :)
And the same happens in teh DMOZ-hospital. Once in a while a doctor looks at a visitor and sees he is dead (the website is no longer active). This website clearly wasn't capable of surviving on its own and the DMOZ-hospital would never have been able to help it survive.


Jul 26, 2008
I appreciate the original poster's frustration. The moderators have had good responses. In line with the original question, maybe you can assist me on the listing procedure.

Our website is the largest streaming video site of outdoor programming. We have over 4,000 professional produced videos online and stream for over 25 U.S. State Wildlife agencies, state park agencies, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. We have over 200 TV titles on our site, some of which have DMOZ listings. Our traffic is as high as or higher than some of the top cable networks in our space.

We originally submitted 18 months ago. A new marketing person that worked at AOL and Scripps Network resubmitted about 6 months ago.

I understand that the directory gets lots of submissions and can't give feedback to everyone. I am just trying to figure out if we just give up on DMOZ or do we resubmit again, which I understand you don't want us to do.

At the same time, we are having a hard time figuring out why our site would not be relevant to DMOZ as both our competitors and clients are listed on the site and considering that we have the largest video library of any of them. Or it could be that the overflow of work means an editor has not gotten to it, which is entirely possible.

I am guessing we have to stop submitting, but it would be great if there was some feedback for why the site is not eligible for listing or if the case was pending. Possibly a way to set up a username/account where if the editor gets a chance to review and reject, they could check a box and it shows up in your account otherwise your account shows it is still "pending".


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
I am guessing we have to stop submitting, but it would be great if there was some feedback for why the site is not eligible for listing.

There is no reason to believe that it isn't eligible for listing, you know :) For the site to be reviewed and listed, an editor must 1) decide to work in the category in question (and there is no way to tell when that will happen or who that will be) and 2) decide to review that particular site, either because s/he has found it elsewhere or because s/he decided to review sites that had been suggested to the category.

Which is pretty much what jimnoble said in his first reply.

Does the site offer unique content? And is it the only site for your company? In that case, it's very unlikely that the reviewing editor won't decide to list it when it's been reviewed.


Jul 26, 2008
Thanks for the response.

Most of our content is unique. For most of the US states, the TV shows, and the US Fish and Wildlife, we are the only company streaming their video.

Having read other posts, I see the overload DMOZ is facing. I edited my last post with a suggestion.

It might be handy if when a site is submitted, to have a user set up an account. Then if the site is pending, you can see that status in the account. If it is rejected, same thing. Just a thought.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
cmoise said:
It might be handy if when a site is submitted, to have a user set up an account. Then if the site is pending, you can see that status in the account. If it is rejected, same thing. Just a thought.
This has been suggested many times. But never has a good reason been given why this is a good idea.

A suggested site can have 3 kinds of status: listed, waiting review and rejected

Can you tell us what you would do when you know the site is listed.
Can you tell us what you would do when you know the site is waiting review.
Can you tell us what you would do when you know the site is rejected.

In all case the answer should be: nothing, atleast nothing you should do if you don't know the status.
Reason: In all cases there is nothing you can do about the DMOZ listing. You can already see our guidelines and deterime yourself if a site is listable. So if you didn't violate our guidelines by suggesting a site we don't want to list you only have 2 kinds of status as an option. The site is listed (which you can see for yourself) or it is waiting review (and you will have to be patient).

In all cases (listed, waiting review and rejected) you should not suggest the site more than once. In the best scenario you will make the time between first suggestion and review longer. In the worst scenario (that is when you have been very very naughty and violated our guidelines many many times) you and all of your sites could get banned.

Conclusion: read our guidelines, decide if your site is listable, stop worrying about DMOZ, do anything else you see fit to promote your site, but do not keep on suggesting the site to DMOZ
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