for years my category has no editor, broken links


Jun 19, 2007
For years now, my category has had no editor. I have submitted my site a number of times but this is all in vain since there is no editor! A lot of the listed are outdated or broken.

I believe I am qualified to be an editor and submitted my application but got denied for an inexplicable reason.

the category is

Reference: Education: Products and Services: Services for Hire: Tutoring


Top: Reference: Education: Products and Services: Services for Hire

I have experience in the industry with lots of internet experience, I would be a just editor.


Jan 23, 2003
Well, let's clarify a bit....

my category has had no editor.

Every category has more than 200 editors who can edit, so the absence of a named editor is meaningless.

but got denied for an inexplicable reason.

Every declined applicant receives a letter that explain why you were not selected. In most cases it is for one of the standard reasons outlined in the letter, on other occasions it is for other reasons that are added to the letter.

experience in the industry with lots of internet experience
That does not necessarily qualify one to become an editor.

The ability to read and comprehend is also a useful skill, as is the ability to summarize a website's content.

Finally, the only way to become an editor is to apply.
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