forgive my mistake

arick vossler

Jul 20, 2010
Hi everyone.
I am new member and trying to propose two of my blog into DMOZ. i know i can submit it while i browsing the directory but i am afraid my blog were submitted in the wrong category.
my blog mainly cover about UNIROW and it students. Unirow is a small but prospecting university in Tuban east java, indonesia. i have a dream that i could spread the informations about unirow to all over the world. the site is also used to help the student in unirow. my blog is <url removed>.but i also write my opinion and my experience in that site which is only have less relation to the main purpose of my blog. I am going to add my blog in the EDUCATION. is it fine?
my second blog is at <url removed>. the main goal of the site is to help the unirow english learner being able to make the skripsi or an essay faster and the student, i know it is hard to get the material to make an essay and skripsi. this is why the site is playing the great role.
any opinion are really appreciated.
btw,please forgive my bad english. as the new member, i have read the FAQ and rules. because i can't seem to find the introduction thread,...I should introduce myself. I am arick from indonesia.I am not a good writer but i will try to make a good article in my blog.thanks for reading this.

arick vossler

Jul 20, 2010
Hi everyone.
I am new member and trying to propose two of my blog into DMOZ. i know i can submit it while i browsing the directory but i am afraid my blog were submitted in the wrong category.
my blog mainly cover about UNIROW and it students. Unirow is a small but prospecting university in Tuban east java, indonesia. i have a dream that i could spread the informations about unirow to all over the world. the site is also used to help the student in unirow. my blog is <url removed yet again> .but i also write my opinion and my experience in that site which is only have less relation to the main purpose of my blog. I am going to add my blog in the EDUCATION. is it fine?
my second blog is at <URLs removed yet again>. the main goal of the site is to help the unirow english learner being able to make the skripsi or an essay faster and the student, i know it is hard to get the material to make an essay and skripsi. this is why the site is playing the great role.
any opinion are really appreciated.
btw,please forgive my bad english. as the new member, i have read the FAQ and rules. because i can't seem to find the introduction thread,...I should introduce myself. I am arick from indonesia.I am not a good writer but i will try to make a good article in my blog.thanks for reading this.

@motsa: thanks for editing. i will clean up my posting. thanks.^_^
(btw, I cannot clean up my own posting.i am now editing my quote just to show my point.if it is considered to be links, please delete it right away.)



Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
You'll notice that I didn't just remove the hyperlinks in your original post, I removed the URLs.

I've now removed them yet again from the quote in your second post. Please DO NOT put your URLs in your posts.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Don't worry about suggesting your website to the wrong category.
That happens very often. An editor will look at the suggestion and move it to a better category if needed.
We do not know when this will happen. It might be in a few days but it might also take several years.

arick vossler

Jul 20, 2010
You'll notice that I didn't just remove the hyperlinks in your original post, I removed the URLs.

I've now removed them yet again from the quote in your second post. Please DO NOT put your URLs in your posts.

hey thanks for the reply.
honestly, it is really a shame for me to make the second mistake. I'll remember not to make the other mistake.
I hope i wasn't the only new member that make so much mistakes today. :D (just kidding).

I don't know if the second mistake is still because of links.(I need to learn more the rules. :) )
I may not ask it here but how to show another members to check the my site?
(I know i clould use PM.) I'm now will be really careful not to make link. (actually, i think make blablabladotbla is not considered as link because it cannot be clicked and that is my second mistake come from)
how if i use xxx_mydomain name_extension to show my domain. is it allowed?(dot replaced by underline).
(I wish this is not going to be my third mistakes).
thanks for editing it. I know i make mistakes in the last two post and i will try to be better in the next post.and forgive my mistakes.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
I may not ask it here but how to show another members to check the my site?
(I know i clould use PM.)
You don't. (And please don't send PMs to other members asking them to look at your site.) We don't review specific websites here, which is why you aren't allowed to post your web site address. If you want people to review your site, you really should go to a webmaster or web design forum.
how if i use xxx_mydomain name_extension to show my domain. is it allowed.
No, it isn't.

If you have general questions related to DMOZ, feel free to ask them, but please do not mention your site.


arick vossler

Jul 20, 2010
Don't worry about suggesting your website to the wrong category.
That happens very often. An editor will look at the suggestion and move it to a better category if needed.
We do not know when this will happen. It might be in a few days but it might also take several years.

thanks for the comment. It answered my question. I'm now strugling to change my picture. my avatar,Abra is great.


arick vossler

Jul 20, 2010
You don't. (And please don't send PMs to other members asking them to look at your site.) We don't review specific websites here, which is why you aren't allowed to post your web site address. If you want people to review your site, you really should go to a webmaster or web design forum.
No, it isn't.

If you have general questions related to DMOZ, feel free to ask them, but please do not mention your site.


thanks for the answer.
i will not make pm for it and will not point others to my site.
it clear up my mind now. ^_^
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