France For Families


Mar 19, 2003
Long wait

I'm afraid you may be in for a long wait. Other sites have been waiting for inclusion for over six months, if not far more, and the site does not have an editor. When I volunteered to help out DMOZ in the past because another site was logjammed with a backlog of untreated submissions, I was refused twice. I feel its a great pity that the excellently principled DMOZ suffers from major problems in treating submissions in certain (and numerous) categories. I gather from reading in forums that some categories have not budged for over two years.
Why don't you volunteer to become an editor for this category?
And perhaps could some meta or other high-flying DMOZ staff suggest what it takes to get accepted as editor for this cat, so that we can get the logjam cleared.


Jan 23, 2003
I need to clear up some misconceptions in the previous post.

and the site does not have an editor.

The presence or absence of an editor in a given category is not relevant to almost anything. The vast majority of edits are performed by editors who are either highter in the directory tree (and can edit all categories below them) or by the 200+ editors with editall or meta editing rights. So suggesting that a category without a named editor is abandoned or ignored is simply incorrect.

I feel its a great pity that the excellently principled DMOZ suffers from major problems in treating submissions in certain (and numerous) categories.

The above presumes that submissions are the major means by which we build the directory. We accept submission suggestions from the public as a courtesty, but make no commitments as to when they will be looked upon. Editors who are actively involved in category creation and building do not rely upon submissions, rather they go off and find sites that are worthy of listing.

...suggest what it takes to get accepted as editor for this cat

Many categories are simply not acceptable for new editors. Categories that are too large, that have too many submissions waiting, that are regular targets for abuse or spam are generally not given to new editors because of the high probablility of failure. I do not know if this is the case here (since I do not grant editor rights), but it is something that cannot be seen from the outside, so speculation is moot.

Andy, my best advice is to do what you are doing, just be patient and we will eventully get to it. While wait times in some parts of the directory (primarily shopping, business and computers) can approach or exceed two years, historically most regional categories get looked at much quicker. Perhaps not fast enough to pleas all submiters, but faster than the typical shopping category.


May 17, 2004
Well here I am again (Andy). I've been waiting patiently - in the meantime I've been exceedingly busy updating the site so it now has more than 200 pages of information on family holidays in France, the vast majority based on personal experience. But still no DMOZ listing. Ah well!

I was interested in the comments above - I too offered to be an editor in the travel area and was told my application was acceptable, but that there was no need for more editors in the travel section. Which I must admit surprised me as I would have thought therefore that there wouldn't be a backlog of sites to be reviewed. And especially because there is a link at the bottom of the section I submitted to which says "Volunteer to edit this category". But maybe that is a generic sign throughout DMOZ?

Anyway, I will continue to be patient (maybe I'll be back here in July?!). If in the meantime the site can be reviewed that would be great (frankly I'd rather be told the site is rubbish - which I don't believe is the case - than to be stuck in limbo). And if I can help as a site reviewer then I remain at DMOZ's disposal.

See you in July! :D


Mar 8, 2004
I see no change in status of this suggestion since the last report. Sorry not to have better news. :(

It was rejected from a category in Recreation/Travel, though.

You may ask again in this thread in 6 months.

I've been directed not to comment on editor applications :eek:, but, as I understand it, the standard message is "category is too large for a new editor or is already well represented". Perhaps the first is the case, rather than the second.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.