

Oct 9, 2009

I have been trying to list my domain and a couple others which adhere to your guidelines for almost a decade now.

The domains in question are as follows:

<Removed URLs>

Is this a mistake, or does someone there have a vendetta against these domains for some reason. I have been very specific in category selection, and made sure to only make the post once per site. After about 8-14 months, when still no listing, I would attempt again, in maybe a different category which is specific thinking that you didn't like the choice of category, or something to that effect.

I am almost to the point of just giving up completely, and putting on my blacklist, since it feels like I am on yours. This is my last attempt at a resolution to this long, frustrating, and uneventful endeavor.

Please help.


Curlie Meta
Mar 29, 2002
You might have misunderstood our objectives and how we operate here. ODP is a volunteer organisation building a directory as a hobby. Editors edit where they wish, when they wish and as much as they wish within the constraints of their permissions. We have no schedules or systems to force people to do work that they don't volunteer to do. ODP is not primarily a free listing service for website owners and it does not attempt to process their listing suggestions within the time scales desired by them.

Some volunteer will process your listing suggestions in time but we can't predict who or when that might be. Elapsed times can range from a few days to a few years. There is no need to re-suggest your website and doing so could be counter-productive because a later suggestion overwrites any earlier one.

There's further info in this forum's FAQ.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Just to repeat a few things that have been said often enough before, but they bear repeating.
  • If a website is suggested to the wrong category, we don't decline it, we move it.
  • If an otherwise listable website is suggested with a poor title or description, we don't decline it, we rewrite them.
  • If an unlistable (self check) website is suggested, no matter how polished the suggestion, we decline it.
Re-suggesting an unlistable website serves no useful purpose.
Suggesting a listable website to multiple categories is a waste of your effort and ours - up to a point. Eventually we get tired of that of course :D.


Oct 9, 2009
Thank you for your response.

I do apologize for posting in the wrong section, and I also thank you for moving the post. I was unsure where to post my inquiry.

If you could do me a quick favor, as I don't believe my sites breach any of your terms, could you take a quick look over my site and/or check to see that my request is still in queue. I understand that the time frames are not set, which is why I have been re-sending once every 8-14 months, as I am also unsure whether I get a notification if the query has been completed. About 6 years ago, my site was declined as it was allegedly "in the wrong category", to which I got a notification, and it was never listed, moved, etc. This was for [URL removed] if you are able to check the history.

I understand that this service is (and has been) provided on a volunteer basis, as to which I would be more than happy to assist in the workload. I also understand that in assisting, this would no way affect the status of my sites approval states aside from the fact that you would have one more person to handle the workload (theoretically freeing up someone Else's time, just a bit).

I believe in this project to the event that every site should only have a single listing. Not every single page being listed / spidered, etc effectively spamming the net (aka google, msn, etc).

Please advise.

Thank you.
[URL removed]


Curlie Meta
Apr 16, 2005
I'm afraid we no longer provide status reports. If you have suggested since December 2006, your site will be covered by jimnobles summary above.

We are always pleased to welcome people willing to help build the directory and having a site in the category of interest is no barrier to joining.

There is a section in the FAQ on becoming an editor and more information can be found about the roles of editors in the About section of the directory itself. Looking through the 'Becoming an Editor' thread can also yield useful information.



Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> If you could do me a quick favor, as I don't believe my sites breach any of
> your terms, could you take a quick look over my site and/or check to see
> that my request is still in queue.
Sorry, that is someting we do not do (anymore). See our FAQ for explanation.

> I understand that the time frames are not set, which is why I have been re-
> sending once every 8-14 months,
Which is totoly not neccessary and against DMOZ policies. Suggest ONCE is the rule.

> as I am also unsure whether I get a notification if the query has been
> completed.
No, you will not get any notification. Unless ofcourse when the site is listed. Everyone will get that notification as they can see it listed.

> About 6 years ago, my site was declined as it was allegedly "in the wrong
> category", to which I got a notification, and it was never listed, moved,
> etc.
Suggesting a site to the "wrong" category is nad never has been a reason for rejection. And we never have send notifications.

> I understand that this service is (and has been) provided on a volunteer
Yes. It is volunteer based. But No, it is not a service we provide.


Oct 11, 2009
Shame on Google

Shame on Google and AOL for using DMOZ as their own directories. Clearly there is a major staffing problem. The category my site *should* be listed in has remained exactly the same for three years, which I can only conclude means that there is no editor working on it. Seeing as DMOZ is so important for SEO, this puts new sites at a great business disadvantage. We hired an SEO expert, who said that DMOZ was the joke of the industry. Unfortunately, that doesn't solve my problem.

So you can imagine how frustrating and maddening it is to read comments from moderators saying that this is a hobby for them. :mad:


Apr 5, 2004
So you can imagine how frustrating and maddening it is to read comments from moderators saying that this is a hobby for them.
Er, well, that's because it is. :confused:
There are no paid editors at the ODP, and the only "staff" are those employed by AOL to keep the machines ticking along.

Editing is something we choose to do in our spare time, that's all. Some of us spend several hours a day on it, some of us might do only a couple of edits every couple of months. It is entirely up to each of us to do as much or as little as we feel like. That's what "volunteering" means.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> Shame on Google and AOL for using DMOZ as their own directories.
Maybe you did not know but DMOZ is AOL's directory. They are the owners who pay the bills to host, devellop and technically maintain DMOZ.
Google is just one of many users of the DMOZ data. As they are still using the data after all these years might indicate that they have a good reason to do so.

> The category my site *should* be listed in
No site *should* be listed.
> has remained exactly the same for three years, which I can only conclude
> means that there is no editor working on it.
Maybe, maybe not.

> Seeing as DMOZ is so important for SEO,
That is a myth told by some people who have a financial interest in SEO. People who understand what DMOZ is do not believe this myth.

> So you can imagine how frustrating and maddening it is to read comments
> from moderators saying that this is a hobby for them.
Sometimes the truth is not what people like to hear ;)
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