fsockopen currently fails


Sep 28, 2004
My website, www.localpin.com, when it does not have current information from DMOZ, will just go and try and read the DMOZ page directly. Recently I am not able to open an sock connection to DMOZ. This was fine ever since I first implemented it (6 months ago), but in the last week or so, it has stopped working. I now regularly get this message:

Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: unable to connect to www.dmoz.org:80 in c:\program files\apache group\www\localpinlocaldev\class\DmozPage.class.php on line 602
ERROR: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. (10060)

where line 602 is:

$fp = fsockopen ($host, 80, $errNo, $errStr, 30);

A long time ago I just did fopen() on a DMOZ page, but with the automatic redirects that DMOZ now does, I need to know if the page URL is really what I was expecting.

Is there something changed at the DMOZ end which now stops such connections?



Sep 11, 2003
I see that the data is not being used fully in compliance with the license details of which can be found at http://dmoz.org/license.html

There seems to be a problem with the attribution not linking to the correct category within ODP that the listing originate. This is essential to be fully complaint.

Sample on: http://www.localpin.com/static/term/accommodation/loc/north_walsham.htm

The submit link points to: http://dmoz.org/add.html but should point to http://dmoz.org/cgi-bin/add.cgi?whe...orth_Walsham/Travel_and_Tourism/Accommodation

Notice how the $cat variable within the attribution has been replaced with the category path. This path also need to be reflected in the Become an Editor link.


Sep 28, 2004
Sorry about that. There's an honest attempt to put the correct attribution, but I will study what you write and try and fix the bug (1 of millions I'm afraid).

Unless I can fix the problem that this thread addresses, nobody is going to be visiting www.localpin.com anyway. And I presume there's a good deal of you folks who actually want the DMOZ sites to be found? ;-)

So any answers to the original fsockopen question?


Sep 11, 2003
Of course as editors we would like nothing more than than users to find our data of use, that is exactly the reason why we are here and do what we do, however the license is non-negotiable factor and it does appear to have been a 'bug' for quite a while now.

Someone else 'may' choose to answer your original question but I personally have chosen to abstain as it seem unethical for me to provide support for a service which is not in being used as permitted.
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