Future System for Suggesting a Site


Oct 31, 2007
I would like to know if there will be in the near future any system that gives information on sites that have been suggested and any feedback as to why rejected. I have suggested a site over 3 years ago and resubmitted. This is a high quality site with new content that is in the right category. Without a system that gives any feeback as to rejection of the site their is a high potential for abuse of the system and for competitors to take unfair advantage. As an attorney, I am concerned whether industry competitors are colluding or engaging in deceptive practices to maintain their google standing. Is dmoz working to resolve this in the near future?


Jan 23, 2003
No, because we do not see it as a problem.

the bottom line is that suggestions are just that: suggestions.

No one has a right to be listed, and we are not obligated to add sites to the directory in any particularly timeline/timeframe, or, to be blunt, at all.

There are hundreds of discussion threads in this forum that discuss why we will not provide status check. They are available for your perusal.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.