FYI: Submission Troubles -- Please Read!

We have had innumerable threads started about "I can't get my site submitted <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" /> " - and the issue keeps getting addressed over and over since some of these same folks are not reviewing the threads already created covering the Exact Same Issue.

So... read on...

The servers are undergoing replacement and/or renovation. Most of the available CPU power is going to editors and editing processes and not to submitters. Starting a thread here will NOT change the fact that you're having submission problems. Please keep submitting if you so desire, but do NOT whine about the problems. None of us in these forums can do a thing about it. We have to suffer with errors which occur while we are editing and/or reading forum threads as well, so we feel your pain.

Visit back to this thread every so often and see if we have any new announcements to make about submission issues being permanently fixed. If we haven't announced such a thing, then assume the problems still exist -- and remember that we can't do a thing about it. We are not the staff engineers or their bosses.

I'll be the first to say it - thanks for the information. You set some of my worries about my site submission to rest...

thanks ya'll for working hard to keep this machine rollin!


I haven't tested that much, but the situation seems to be much better now.


Aug 2, 2002
It's only temporary. We're expecting it to get a lot worse soon (maybe next week), and to remain that way for at least 7 days. An announcement will be made when we believe that the situation should be improved.
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