Gambling Site Guidelines


May 5, 2004
I have a question regarding the gambling site guidelines. It is a matter of opinion what constitutes an affiliate site but it is in my opinion the site I have developed is very useful to the end-users.

The fact of the matter is however, that my site does make money from affiliate programs by having a lot of links where users can play progressive online slots and yes the information I have on my site is not entirely unique. The jackpots and payouts all come from feeds from various software vendors but the compilation and utilization of this data is what makes it unique.

Quoted from the guidelines:

Sites that (for example) offer products or services provided by another company and make a small margin on the sale. These are sometimes called reseller or franchise sites. They may seem to have unique content, but the product descriptions and/or games come from elsewhere. In general do not list affiliate sites unless the affiliate has strong, high quality content of its own that end-users will find really useful.

My question is this, is my site appropriate for the ODP? does it in anyway constitute as spam? and in what category is this site best placed? looking through the directory I could not find an appropriate category.

Thanks for your help.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
I shan't be looking at your website but, from what you say, it would seem to be the sort of thing that we wouldn't want to list.

As to recommending a category, we'd need to evaluate your website to do that. You presumably already know it well. Just do the best you can and suggest it to the one best category - no more. If you're wrong, we'll move it - though, from what you state about the site, that's likely to be in the direction of the big bit bucket.


May 5, 2004
Ok then perhaps I should elaborate a little more on what the site actually is to avoid the assumption that looking at a site for review is the norm. periodically collects the values from online progressive slot from casino software such as PlayTech and Microgaming to name a few. It stores the data and displays them in graphs to the user so they can see the progression in value in a visual format. Useful for comparing which slot to choose from with out having 200 flashing banners at frequencies that often cause epileptic fits.

It gives the user an informed choice on which progressive slot is best to play at that particular time. There is all of one banner on the site at the moment and it's only there to satisfy my curiosity. The links I speak about are the respective casino's that offer the software that my site analyses.

It also shows when, how often and how much a particular slot pays out, including history of payouts etc. Further more, a lot of this information I provide for free to other webmasters in the form of RSS. It's not all about making money, in fact it's a little project that I felt interested in when I hypothesised that by profiling the slots and applying a little quantitative analyses you can make predictions on when they will payout next.

Please take a look, you will get a pretty good idea by visiting the home page, you might be against gambling and that's ok, I respect that, but people will still gamble regardless of my site, perhaps if nothing else my site may make them think a little more before putting their hard earned cash in any random casino, just because it has a pretty name.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Your website will be evaluated when a volunteer volunteers to do so. Asking here for an off the cuff review is unlikely to be successful.

If you're convinced it's listable, just suggest it to what you think is the best category and then concentrate on other means of promoting it. If an ODP listing is going to happen, it'll happen when it happens.
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