

Feb 13, 2009
pvgool said:
1) Commercial: the uniqueness lies in the information about the company and their activities not in the products they sell - else we would not have to list any bookshops except Amazon - if there is a real company that has real activities it will have a listable website. MMF, MLM, Affiliates, Dropshippers, they are all not real/unique activities and they won't be listed.

I have submitted a website URL removed that is a legitimate business that sells video games and orders the products from a wholesaler who also dropships. That submission was placed 6 months ago, as it is not listed I guess it is mostly likely rejected or a conflict of interest with the category's editor. The category is

While pvgool's comment make sense, I like to comment on some of the sites that made it to this category.

  • - gone bust since 2006 - apparently sued by Sony for unlawful selling of PSP
  • CompuExpert - is another online retailer that sells video games (their website say it may take 42-78 hours to respond to email enquiries)
  • Divineo - seems to have a warehouse but also resell other merchants's product eg spy equipment, soldering, GP2X...
  • Simply Games - is another online retailer that sells video games, nice graphics
  • GKWorld - sells games and car accessories and belts and buttons and drinkware...
  • Great Software and Games Online - sells games, anti virus, Microsoft Office, Nero...

I cannot see what is unique about these sites but I can see that they all sell video games (and more)

Hence why is

<url removed yet again. Do revert it.> not considered when this site exclusively sells video games and also provides free product availability and price drop notifications.

Go figure...


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
I cannot see what is unique about these sites but I can see that they all sell video games (and more)

They're different companies.

Hence why is <url removed> not considered

More likely, nobody has looked at your listing suggestion yet. Boilerplate follows.

You might have misunderstood our objectives and how we operate here. ODP is a volunteer organisation building a directory as a hobby. Editors edit where they wish, when they wish and as much as they wish within the constraints of their permissions. We have no schedules or systems to force people to do work that they don't volunteer to do. ODP is not primarily a free listing service for website owners and it does not attempt to process their listing suggestions within the time scales desired by them.

Some volunteer will process your listing suggestion in time but we can't predict who or when that might be. Elapsed times can range from a few days to a few years. There is no need to re-suggest your website and doing so could be counter-productive because a later suggestion overwrites any earlier one.

Go figure..

If you'd thought to read a few other threads, the FAQ or other public facing documentation before posting, you might well have got the message already :).


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Noticing that another forum moderator had already removed your url and you'd put it back again, I investigated to see if you'd also ignored any other guidelines. You have.

I urge you to re-read our submission guidelines which require that you suggest a website just once to the one best category. Your carefree scattergun approach will have caused extra work for our volunteers, thus contributing to lengthier response times for everybody. Thanks a bunch :(.

Do not suggest your website again.


Feb 13, 2009
thanks for the response

It would be ideal if we can get a response for Dmoz as prompt as your response. Had you not commented, we would have no idea that your moderator has considered our submission and removed it.

There are always two sides to a story, Jim. We initially submitted once in one category. It is after a months of no notification, no listing that we submit again hopefully in more appropriate category. Is that a no no?

When you say do not suggest our site again do you mean it as

1) Do not submit because it is already in the system for another editor to consider or
2) Do not submit because we according to you used a "carefree scattergun approach" and is now on your redlist? :confused:


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
It would be ideal if we can get a response for Dmoz as prompt as your response.
Now that's exactly the kind of remark that makes helping out in this forum such a pleasure :rolleyes:.

To answer your other question, whichever the case, there's no point in suggesting your website again - so don't.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> Had you not commented, we would have no idea that your moderator has considered our submission and removed it.
I have read everything jim wrote and nowhere did he say that someone has looked at the websiet you suggested. And nowhere did he say it was removed.

> We initially submitted once in one category.
That is good. We always like people telling us about websites they think are worth listing.

> It is after a months of no notification, no listing that we submit again hopefully in more appropriate category. Is that a no no?
That is a big NO, NO.
When you suggested the site the first time you were asked to suggest it ONCE to the BEST category.
So it is impossible that there would be a "more appropriate" category. Or else your first suggestion would have been against our guidelines.

> When you say do not suggest our site again do you mean it as
> 1) Do not submit because it is already in the system for another editor to consider or
> 2) Do not submit because we according to you used a "carefree scattergun approach" and is now on your redlist?
It means. Do NOT suggest it again.
When it is suggested it is in the system. There is no way for it to leave the system without it being reviewed by an editor.
You can see the listing if it is approved.
You can already know if it is or will be rejected by reading our guidelines.

No mather if the site is listed, rejected, still waiting review or banned there is never a reason to suggest a site severel times. And certainly not to several categories.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.