General advice please


Sep 4, 2008
I would appreciate some advice as the more I read on the subject the more confused I am becoming. Here's the problem:

- I have suggested a site to be listed.
- While I attempted to list in the correct category other similar businesses to my own are listed in different locations.
- I have read that it is possible to list in different categories if you genuinely feel the site is relevant (

I listed the site in what I thought was the most appropriate category (but I see that one of the most common reasons for a site not being listed is suggesting the wrong category) and I can't really remember exactly which category I submitted under (!!).

Should I just resubmit to any and all relevant categories and wait to see what happens?

Thanks in advance,

PS. I attempted to email this question to editor <name removed as irrelevant> but the email form shows a proxy error when I tried to send it.


Apr 5, 2004
I have read that it is possible to list in different categories if you genuinely feel the site is relevant ... I see that one of the most common reasons for a site not being listed is suggesting the wrong category
Hello MarkN
I'm sorry you are confused, but I have no idea where you are reading these things. It is not in the official ODP guidelines, nor in the FAQ of this forum, for the simple reason that neither of those statements is true.

To quote the the FAQ you linked in your post (with my bolding):
"I can find many categories my site would fit - should I submit to all?"
No, please do not do this. There is generally one category which best fits any site (there are some exceptions). Choose the one most relevant category and suggest your URL there. If you are still having trouble finding a category, just do your best and select the one that you think might be most relevant. If it is not quite right, the reviewing editor will make sure to move it to the correct category for consideration

And by a long, long, long way, the two commonest reasons that a site is not listed are
  1. It has not yet been reviewed by a volunteer editor
  2. It does not meet the criteria for listing in the directory.
I think you might find things far less confusing if you stick to the official ODP resources, and the advice given by editors in this forum, rather than believing rumour and wishful thinking you might read anywhere else. :)


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
MarkN said:
I would appreciate some advice as the more I read on the subject the more confused I am becoming. Here's the problem:
Welcome. I'll try to answer your questions

> I have suggested a site to be listed.
Good. If you have done so to what you think is the best category with a good title and descritption you have helped us (the editors). Thanks.

> While I attempted to list in the correct category other similar businesses to
> my own are listed in different locations.
This might indicate that your 'correct category' isn't the correct one. But it all depends on where you saw these other sites listed. If it is about sites that are listed in Regional it is normal to see them in other categories as in Regional we list sites in the city they are located in. Some (or all) sites might also be listed under a specific Topic outside Regional.

> I have read that it is possible to list in different categories if you genuinely
> feel the site is relevant (
Only editors can list a site. Other people can only suggest a site for review. A small but essential difference.
Normaly you are only allowed to suggest a site once.
But there is an exception. If a site fits under a Topical category you may suggest it there, if the site also fits in Regional you are allowed to suggest it also to the city you are located in. In such cases 2 suggestions are allowed (1x Topic + 1x Regional)

> I listed the site in what I thought was the most appropriate category (but I
> see that one of the most common reasons for a site not being listed is
> suggesting the wrong category)
No, suggesting a site to the wrong category is NEVER a reason to reject a site. An editor will move the site to the correct category.

> Should I just resubmit to any and all relevant categories and wait to see
> what happens?
What might happen is that you and all of your sites get banned.
There is not such a thing as "all relevant categories". There can be one (1) relevant category under Regional and one (1) under a Topic outside Regional. And as I said before you are allowed to suggest your site once to both of these categories. But be noticed that not all sites qualify for a regional listing and not all sites qualify for a topical listing. So only suggest your site if it fits the requirements for Regional or Topical.


Sep 4, 2008
Thanks very much, I believe that I meet the criteria. I also believe that I haven't submitted the site to Regional so I will submit the site in the appropriate category under regional.

Thanks again for your prompt replies.


pvgool said:
Welcome. I'll try to answer your questions

> I have suggested a site to be listed.
Good. If you have done so to what you think is the best category with a good title and descritption you have helped us (the editors). Thanks.

> While I attempted to list in the correct category other similar businesses to
> my own are listed in different locations.
This might indicate that your 'correct category' isn't the correct one. But it all depends on where you saw these other sites listed. If it is about sites that are listed in Regional it is normal to see them in other categories as in Regional we list sites in the city they are located in. Some (or all) sites might also be listed under a specific Topic outside Regional.

> I have read that it is possible to list in different categories if you genuinely
> feel the site is relevant (
Only editors can list a site. Other people can only suggest a site for review. A small but essential difference.
Normaly you are only allowed to suggest a site once.
But there is an exception. If a site fits under a Topical category you may suggest it there, if the site also fits in Regional you are allowed to suggest it also to the city you are located in. In such cases 2 suggestions are allowed (1x Topic + 1x Regional)

> I listed the site in what I thought was the most appropriate category (but I
> see that one of the most common reasons for a site not being listed is
> suggesting the wrong category)
No, suggesting a site to the wrong category is NEVER a reason to reject a site. An editor will move the site to the correct category.

> Should I just resubmit to any and all relevant categories and wait to see
> what happens?
What might happen is that you and all of your sites get banned.
There is not such a thing as "all relevant categories". There can be one (1) relevant category under Regional and one (1) under a Topic outside Regional. And as I said before you are allowed to suggest your site once to both of these categories. But be noticed that not all sites qualify for a regional listing and not all sites qualify for a topical listing. So only suggest your site if it fits the requirements for Regional or Topical.
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