general question about submission


Nov 16, 2006
Hi Guys,
I'm an online store owner (maternity wear) trying to find some info on getting listed.
I submitted my site myself almost a year ago and am still not listed. Nothing unusual apparently, but I'm not sure how to proceed because:
1. When I submitted my site it was still pretty average, I think I had some broken links and I had very few products for sale. (So could I have been rejected and not know?)
2. I had my site "optimised" by some idiots who mucked everything up at one stage and have admitted that they put my site onto some kind of automatic submission list that was submitting my site everywhere everyday (So could I have been blacklisted and not know?)
I am also "sandboxed" (my site isn't ranked) by google, my SEO said they do this for no reason but I'm susspicious I have been blacklisted.
Is there anything I could or should do now to have a better chance at being listed? I'm going to go broke with all the advertising I need to do to get my site out there, and I'm not kidding i actually will close up in a couple of months.
Is it worth resubmitting in case I was reviewed and rejected? Would I know if I had been reviewed or am still in the list? And is there anyway to be "un-blacklisted" if this could be the case?


Apr 5, 2004
Hello leah10 :)

Is it worth resubmitting in case I was reviewed and rejected?
Repeating the suggestion once is usually OK.
Would I know if I had been reviewed or am still in the list?
I'm afraid there is no way for you to find that out.
And is there anyway to be "un-blacklisted" if this could be the case?
We have nothing at all to do with decisions made by Google, so if you are blacklisted by search engines you will have to ask them how to proceed. Although obviously the first thing to do is ensure the same thing does not happen again. ;)
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