Get removed from DMOZ


Jan 11, 2006
I manage several company sites that are extremely dis-satisfied with thier DMOZ listings. Out of date, Not accurrate, Not relevant. How can I get these sites removed from the DMOZ?


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
We don't delete listings on demand. As long as the sites are still functioning and still have content, they remain listed. If the titles or descriptions are inaccurate, feel free to submit an "Update listing" request. Keep in mind, though, that we have certain guidelines for how we title and describe sites and that frequently isn't in keeping with what the site owners would like (e.g. titles of businesses are generally the name of the that business and nothing else and descriptions are usually a brief, unhyped, non-keyword-stuffed description of the services offered by the company and a description of what is on the site).


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I own a restaurant, and I'm extremely dissatisfied with the reviews I'm getting from the local newspapers' food editors. How can I shut those newspapers down and keep them from writing about me?


Jan 11, 2006
motsa said:
We don't delete listings on demand. As long as the sites are still functioning and still have content, they remain listed. If the titles or descriptions are inaccurate, feel free to submit an "Update listing" request. Keep in mind, though, that we have certain guidelines for how we title and describe sites and that frequently isn't in keeping with what the site owners would like (e.g. titles of businesses are generally the name of the that business and nothing else and descriptions are usually a brief, unhyped, non-keyword-stuffed description of the services offered by the company and a description of what is on the site).

That is the problem - The anti-business illusion that somehow your human reviews are superior to continually updated carefully crafted corporate messages tuned and targeted to changing technologies and segment markets is pure nonsense. DMOZ is a dead zone - the editors are by and large disinterested and unknowlegeable. I would warn anyone with a legitimate business to NEVER list your site with DMOZ.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Kingsrealm said:
I would warn anyone with a legitimate business to NEVER list your site with DMOZ.
No problem.
Noone is able to list his site with DMOZ.
Only editors can list sites. And they will do so even if a site is not suggested.
As a websiteowner you can only make sure your site will not be listed by creating a site that does not meet DMOZ guidelines.


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
You are entitled to your opinion, naturally, and there is no point in trying to get you to change it. Just be aware of the following two facts:

* Many other directories do the corporate marketing thing.

* We don't.

As long as you understand that, you won't waste your time trying to get us to change our policies on this point - for we won't.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
the editors are by and large disinterested and unknowlegeable. I would warn anyone with a legitimate business to NEVER list your site with DMOZ.
To add to what pvgool wrote, editors are able to list sites they find from wherever the find them. They don't need to be suggested to us in order to be listed.

The anti-business illusion that somehow your human reviews are superior to continually updated carefully crafted corporate messages tuned and targeted to changing technologies and segment markets is pure nonsense.
Frequently there is a discord between what we are trying to do and what site owners want. Our aim isn't to advertise your business or pass on your carefully crafted corporate messages. Our aim is to list your site as factually as possible -- with the name of the company as the title and an accurate description of the business/site while maintaining a complete lack of hype and advertising copy within that description and title. We're concerned if what we've written is factually wrong. We're not concerned if we haven't provided the advertising vehicle that you wanted because that's not what we're trying to do.


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
Kingsrealm said:
That is the problem - The anti-business illusion that somehow your human reviews are superior to continually updated carefully crafted corporate messages tuned and targeted to changing technologies and segment markets is pure nonsense. DMOZ is a dead zone - the editors are by and large disinterested and unknowlegeable. I would warn anyone with a legitimate business to NEVER list your site with DMOZ.

The anti-promotional, non-advertising, non-keyworded titles/descriptions that dmoz uses of course won't appeal to those only interested in making themselves stand out above all others. *Hey look here first, we are the biggest, best, greatest, site on earth because we say so* is not what I want to see when I search for information. I want to see Who you are (i.e the real title not hype) and what your site offers (the actual features I can expect to see when I open the site-not a bunch of keywords) and that is why the guidelines are as they are. The end user of the data are the ones being served, not the webmasters and site owners. The end users are the ones dmoz strives to please and they are happy quality and superiority of the human edited reviews.

*note motsa, nea and pvgool type faster


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>"continually updated carefully crafted corporate messages tuned and targeted to changing technologies and segment markets"

Ah, you mean "hyped PR-spin." We deal in facts, and I can understand how that must have shocked and terrorized you. If it'll make you feel better, think of us as the "revenge of the targeted."


Jan 11, 2006
hutcheson said:
>"continually updated carefully crafted corporate messages tuned and targeted to changing technologies and segment markets"

Ah, you mean "hyped PR-spin." We deal in facts, and I can understand how that must have shocked and terrorized you. If it'll make you feel better, think of us as the "revenge of the targeted."

You miss the point entirely - Not spin - not stand out - just accuracy is all I'm talking about. Technology changes, DMOZ does not. As companies evolve to reflect the changes in technology the listings in DMOZ need to reflect those changes. For instance IVR became Speech Tech and is now V-business. The problem with DMOZ is that google and MSN use these outdated DMOZ descriptions in thier natural search descriptions.

The initial request was not to add marketing speak to my listings - it was to be de-listed - removed, deleted from DMOZ.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
You miss the point entirely - Not spin - not stand out - just accuracy is all I'm talking about.
As I mentioned earlier, if a description is inaccurate, feel free to fill in an Update Listing request (just click on the "Update Listing" on the category where the site in question is listed).


Jan 11, 2006
motsa said:
As I mentioned earlier, if a description is inaccurate, feel free to fill in an Update Listing request (just click on the "Update Listing" on the category where the site in question is listed).

Thank you Motsa - I will
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