Getting site & category updated


May 26, 2008
I'm having real trouble with (no) responses from the editors at dmoz.

One of the websites that I manage (a large news-portal) has a very old and incorrect description. I've sent a request for update a few months ago, but there isn't any editor listed for the category in question (Icelandic media/ news portals) and the description hasn't been updated.

Now my application for an editor position has not been answered for a few weeks, previous application for editor did not get processed due to a technicality (I didn't list the sites I manage into the correct form field).

I'm afraid to re-enter any applications for editor or a revised description of this site, as that might be considered spam, but at the same time it is very urgent and important that my site is not listed as the news portal for my competitors, as it is now.

I don't know what to do next - please help!


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
One of the things you could do is ask for the status of your editor application in the part of R-Z that is designed for such questions.

For the update request you send I can only say that we try to process update request with a high priority but as we are all volunteer editors sometimes this can take a while. The fact that no editor is listed for the category will have no effect on the processing.
Another thing of importantce is the fact that we only will honor an update request if we can find prove on the website involved.
And as last a reason for rejection of the request might be that you provided a title or description that violates our guidelines. As I haven't seen the request and don't know what your website is these were only general remarks.

BTW sending one other update request will not be seen as spam.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.