Google = DMOZ


Apr 4, 2008
Here I would like to put your notice about the listing in Google and DMOZ,

Google Asia 78565 = DMOZ Asia 55337
Google Africa 25732 = DMOZ Africa 18293
Google Carribean 10446 = DMOZ Carribean 6533
Google Central Ameria 7197 = DMOZ Central America 4529
Google Europe 391043 = DMOZ Europe 271784
Google Middle East 16085 = DMOZ Middle East 10831
Google North America 1165945 = DMOZ North America 699039
Google Oceania 137628 = DMOZ Oceania 55713
Google Polar Regions 433 = DMOZ Polar Regions 298
Google South America 7357 = DMOZ South America 4908

Google DMOZ Difference
78565 55337 23228
25732 18293 30667
10446 6533 34580
7197 4529 37248
391043 271784 156507
16085 10831 161761
1165945 699039 628667
137628 55713 710582
433 298 710717
7357 4908 713166

The total difference is 713166 listings. Means we are blaiming that Google is not updating their categories but in real DMOZ is not updating their directory.

What do you think all people?? Do not reply that we are updating or our editors are updating directory every day. Keep in mind the work always show its output if it is done. If done slow then...

I know you are all volunteer but you should update your directory fastly because you are claiming "The Republic of the Web".


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
IIRC, the way Google counts their numbers is different from the ODP. The ODP numbers are the actual number of sites listed in the category and all sub-categories under it. The Google Directory numbers also include sub-category and linked category links in the count. This almost certainly explains most of the large differences that you're seeing.

So, for instance, claims to have 7 listings (look in the parent category) when in actual fact there are two listings and 5 category links. (Since the category links aren't direct sub-categories their counts aren't included in the total.)

But that said, I'm really not sure how the numbers you've quoted have any bearing on how fast the directory is updated. As you know, we're all volunteers, so making demands is not going to be productive. Also remember that the point of the directory is not to process suggested sites; it's to build a directory that's useful to users. You should be judging categories not by how long it takes a suggested site to be listed, but by whether there's a good selection of sites that would satisfy an average user looking in that category for information.

As it stands at the moment, we are the most comprehensive human-edited directory on the web, and unless someone finds a better way to get volunteers to do more work it's likely to stay that way. In terms of getting things updated more frequently, the only way is probably to get more good editors (poor editors tend to be a drain on resources). Could you be part of the solution and become a good editor?


Apr 4, 2008
Thanks Chaos127, Yes you are right and I reviewed the whole things according to your sense and found correct.

Yes, I want to be an editor and I will apply soon.

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