Google, when will they refresh data



Resource-zone is a forum devoted exclusively to the Open Directory Project. Google is a seperate company that uses the ODP data, as do hundreds of sites. We have no idea what any of these unique entities do or when they do it.


the reason google hasn't updated for months (along with all of the other hundreds of sites that use the ODP data) is because the RDF file has not been successfully created by DMOZ since September.

From what I know there is approximately one person working on solving this technical problem and it can take up to a week for the RDF to compile (with errors or not). This is why its taking so much time.

Until DMOZ can create a valid, error-free RDF file all sites using ODP data will be stuck somewhere back in September 2002.

Hopefully someone with a bit more knowledge than me might be able to give u a guesstimate on the RDF's arrival, or some info on how work to solve the issue is progressing.

Hope this helps :)

You can find more information on the ongoing RDF issue here


Regardless of the status of the RDF dump, this forum is for ODP issues only. Please limit inquiries to the ODP only, questions regarding downstream data users are not anwered here.

Asking about the RDF dump again and again is like kids asking "are we there yet" from the back seat. This IS a top priority, we haven't forgotten about this issue and reminding us ten times a day doesn't make anything better. Updates are shared whenever available, the information regarding the most recent attempt to pull the RDF is available on the public pages and the answer from here on out will only change when the RDF dump is successful.

Now you kids simmer down, we got the pedal to the floor, and we will get there as fast as this ol beater will allow. Ain't nobody knows for sure when that will be, the radiator is runnin a little hot, the tires are a little bald and daddy just lost 100 billion dollars, but our fingers are crossed and we will get it there even if we have to push it up the driveway.

If you are interested in the RDF dump, read up via the link provided by richmc above.
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