Googlepoop? What's the scoop?



How heavily does Google rely on DMOZ listings (if at all) on whether or not they list a site?

Some background:

I did a search for our company name and came up with 73 hits, not one of which was one of our pages.

I submitted our URL to Google again with that info as a note and 3 Googlebots were spidering our site within a couple of hours.

From reading about the DMOZ Google update posts, I'm guessing I won't know if they've decided to include the site until mid-month.

Or will our site not being in DMOZ prevent inclusion?

I've got the idea that there's no 'formal' policy, but that's the 'net legend' going around.

Can someone slay this rumor again please?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>How heavily does Google rely on DMOZ listings (if at all) on whether or not they list a site?

Google relies on incoming links from anywhere (not just DMOZ, which has no special status) to decide whether to list each page (they list pages, not sites). Fact: Google lists over 3 BILLION pages. The ODP has under 4.5 MILLION sites. Google must be getting something from somewhere else, no?

>I did a search for our company name and came up with 73 hits, not one of which was one of our pages.

>I submitted our URL to Google again with that info as a note and 3 Googlebots were spidering our site within a couple of hours.
That's just freshbot. No human intervention needed, and it's highly unlikely that any human will ever look at that note.

>From reading about the DMOZ Google update posts, I'm guessing I won't know if they've decided to include the site until mid-month.
That would be your "permanent" listing. Freshbot gives you a temporary listing to sort of tide you over until the regular update cycle.

>Or will our site not being in DMOZ prevent inclusion?
The Google DIRECTORY comes from DMOZ. At this point, they don't add any extra listings, but if they ever decided they wanted to, they could.

>I've got the idea that there's no 'formal' policy, but that's the 'net legend' going around.

>Can someone slay this rumor again please?
I think the problem is that a lot of netizens simply don't understand the difference between the Google DIRECTORY (which is from DMOZ), and Google SEARCH (which is from all the little googlebots chasing links all over the web.) Just ask them the difference between Google Directory and Google Search, and if their eyes go all glassy, scratch them off of your list of people capable of carrying a hi-tech rumor even with a bucket.


Not knocking you, just an addon...
Fact: Google lists over 3 BILLION pages. The ODP has under 4.5 MILLION sites. Google must be getting something from somewhere else, no?
...ODP lists a indexes page by page.

I have battled my own demons on the whole google issue. But the proof is in the pudding. I had one site with a basic (4) rank on a free server. I built another one on a new domain, spent many long night perfecting metas and all the other items SE's watch for.
Bottomline, within two weeks my one and only link from a low ranking but decent site site, netted me a complete crawl and index.
I was not really ready to submit, so no ODP submission yet,no SE submissions...a week later I hit MSN too.
It has proven to me that if you build clean coded, honest useful sites with the user in mind, you will succeed.
Why ODP is so highly toted, because it is the foundation the engines build on, not their pure source.


My google pagerank is 0/10 after the 6-7 months of being online. I'm hoping, once it's listed on the ODB and consequently on google's directory, that may help a bit.
When I do a keyword search for my site, there's well over 400,000 sites and within that result my site is nowhere to be found. Interesting....


May 26, 2002
You need help out at somewhere like or as you should be doing a lot better than that by now. There are many things that you can do to kick things off, but that topic is completely off-topic for this forum.
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