grossly miscategorized sites



...for the last several months (at least when I first noticed) Calvary Chapel churches have been moved to the category for "charismatic renewal churches" when it is far from it...

It seems like this would be hard to do accidentally - I hope it wasn;t done maliciously... its almost like listing hitler links under "Jewish resources"... No JOKE!

Can anyone advise on how to get DMOZ editors to respond or move Calvary Chapel resources to a suitable catefory?

Here's an example of what I've been sending for the last two months:


I have sent numerous emails to editors and staff at DMOZ to alert you to the fact that Calvary Chapel is severely miscategorized.

All affiliates and related sites are currently listed as "charismatic renewal" churches while we are NOT part of that movement in any way. In fact, many Calvary ministries and pastors have spoken out against the erroneous doctrines and practices of such churches - it is a real slap to be classified as one all over the internet.

Please help, please find another category for Calvary Chapel. My recomendation is "non-denominational" or even list us as a denomination since there may not be another appropriate category. I see you have done that for fellowships like "plymouth brethern churches".

Again, I have sent numerous emails and submitted update/change url forms and no response or correction has been seen. Please help us!



Apr 15, 2003
I think it would help if you posted some sample URL's and the ODP category formatted as per the forum guidelines. Otherwise, someone has to do extra work trying to guess the area you are talking about.


thanks for the reminder.

Here's where the sites are currently categorized: Charismatic_Renewal

These churches are of a pentacostal "charismatic" flavor.. in fact, vineyard branched off of Calvary Chapel because they wanted to be more like "Charismatic" churches. Calvary Chapel is much more conservative in doctrine and practice, again it shouldn't be counted among these pentacostal groups.

Here's where I suggest it move to: Denominations

Calvary Chapel is not a denomination, but a fellowship of churches. Since there is no category for such in DMOZ, I suggest it be listed here - as was done with the bretheren churches which technically aren't denominations either...

Hope this helps!


Curlie Meta
Jan 21, 2003
Christian denominations

Dear brother,

You say, about Calvary Chapel being included in Denominations/Charismatic Renewal,

its almost like listing hitler links under "Jewish resources"

That is too strong.

I think that your objection is twofold:

  • Calvary Chapel is not a denomination.
  • Calvary Chapel is not charismatic.

Let's take these separately.

Calvary Chapel is not a denomination, but a fellowship of churches.

Listing Calvary Chapel outside of Denominations is a non-starter, in my opinion. Some other groups that would demand to be listed outside of Denominations:

Because they are anti-denominational:
The Churches of Christ
The non-institutional Churches of Christ
The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Independent Christian Churches and Churches of Christ (Restoration movement)
The Message (William Branham followers)

Because they are the One True Church:
The Catholics
The Orthodox
The Latter-day Saints

The question is, what kind of fellowship is Calvary Chapel? There are certain established beliefs. A local church is either in this fellowship or not. There is a Bible college. It is not devoted to a particular specialized ministry. It is not about discussing religious differences. It is about being the Church, the body of Christ. It is what looks to most people very much like a denomination. At the Open Directory Project, we are not arbiters of ultimate truth. We are only trying to classify an awful lot of links on many subjects, to help people find what they're looking for online. I think that most people would look for the Disciples of Christ as a Christian denomination, and not always know or remember that the Stone-Campbellite movement was opposed to denominationalism. Similarly with Calvary Chapel. It's Christian, and it's more than an organization. It is a family of local churches with similar beliefs and practices. I think that people will look for it in "Denominations" if they realize there's a group of local churches and not just one.

many Calvary ministries and pastors have spoken out against the erroneous doctrines and practices of such churches

Meaning the charismatic renewal. And you state that the Vineyard fellowship

branched off of Calvary Chapel because they wanted to be more like "Charismatic" churches. Calvary Chapel is much more conservative in doctrine and practice, again it shouldn't be counted among these pentacostal groups.

Pope John Paul II excommunicated the Lefebvrites. That doesn't mean he's quit being Catholic. At least, not as far as how the ODP classifies Catholicism. ;) Right now, there is a huge controversy in the Anglican world. That doesn't mean that none of the critics are Anglican.

Statement of Faith by Pastor Chuck Smith says,

We believe worship of God should be spiritual. Therefore, we remain flexible and yielded to the leading of the Holy Spirit to direct our worship.


We believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit mentioned in the Scriptures, and that they are valid for today if they are exercised within the scriptural guidelines.

So, Calvary Chapel believes that the gifts of the Spirit are for today. OTOH, I don't see any talk of, say, tongues as initial evidence. Calvary Chapel of Naples explains that exercise of some of the more dramatic gifts during common worship or teaching could be disruptive.

This suggests to me that Calvary Chapel is in the best spot in Charismatic Renewal. Calvary Chapel believes in the exercise of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Calvary Chapel is not, however, classical Pentecostalism. Besides the lack of identification with Azusa Street or historical roots in the Holiness movement, it is precisely the more conservative doctrine and practice that point toward "charismatic."


Apr 12, 2004
2 William Branham Legacy

you mentioned william branham.
Here is a site that explains more about them
it is called William Branham Legacy
They have links to just about anything about William Branham.



Let's take these separately.

Listing Calvary Chapel outside of Denominations is a non-starter, in my opinion. Some other groups that would demand to be listed outside of Denominations:

Because they are anti-denominational:
The Churches of Christ
The non-institutional Churches of Christ
The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Independent Christian Churches and Churches of Christ (Restoration movement)
The Message (William Branham followers)

Jun 22, 2004
How can I become the editor of same catgory, I have applied for some other category.. and my stautus is pending.. Can I apply for two category simultaneously.
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