guaranteed listing in yahoo! and google?

If ever my site get listed in the ODP, is it guaranteed to be listed also in Google? <img src="/images/icons/ooo.gif" alt="" />


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
Search engines are not our business, but some explanation:
1) Google Search: That search spiders sites. If you have links to your site from somewhere, the robot will find your site.

2) Google directory: It is just a (modified) copy of the ODP. So it will update when Google chooses to download the RDF again. If they do not change their mind: Yes it will.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Google bans sites for things like cloaking, content duplication, etc. The ODP may list such sites, since IT bans for analogous but different reasons.
So the ODP may list a site that Google has banned. And Google won't unban it just because the ODP listed it.

So, no, there's no guarantee.

And as for Yahoo, I will personally give you the same guarantee EVERYONE who doesn't work at Yahoo will: TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Yahoo will keep using Google results forever...
Now, past history is no indication of future actions, and I can't speak for you, but Yahoo hasn't always given ME much warning before changing their search engine results.
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