Guide Lines ...


Feb 27, 2007

Everybody talking about DMOZ. Everybody wants to get listed in DMOZ. In DMOZ :

1. You want to become editor - system temporary unavailable
2. You want to submit a site - system temporary unavailable
3. Why I am still waiting - read the guidelines ...

Well Ive been browsing this directory for long time and finally I want to post.

1. A lot of sites violating your rules. ...
2. Some sites are down,
3. Also when people ask you why we are unable to get listed you refer people to guidelines here is the example :

From the Editor Guidlines at Dmoz, why you might not be listed.

Affiliate Marketing Schemes

What Does "Affiliate Marketing" Mean?

Revenue sharing between online advertisers/merchants and online publishers/salespeople, whereby compensation is based on performance measures, typically in the form of sales of products and services, clicks, registrations, or some other hybrid model. There are four basic types of affiliate sites: Affiliate Links, Sites Consisting Mostly of Affiliate Links, Affiliate Reseller Sites (aka Fraternal Mirrors), and Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) Independent Representative sites.

Why Doesn't the ODP List These Sites?

It's not the business model we don't like. It's the mirrored and duplicated content. For example, suppose you have a company offering data storage products and services. They have exclusive resellers who provide a front for selling their products and services. While the reseller sites may be designed and written differently, their content and aim are exactly the same. Adding sites with the same content or that point to the same place are not unique or useful.

Guidelines for Specific Types of Affiliate Site

Affiliate Links

This is an affiliate relationship based on clicks. Affiliate links are URLs for a commercial site that usually, but not always, include an affiliate or referral ID in the URL, such as AffiliateID=19555&ProductID=508. The person whose ID is in the link gets a commission from anyone who buys from the site after following that link. Affiliate links should never be added to the directory.

Would you be able to tell me did your editors ever check this site has thousands of links like this

This is an affiliate relationship based on clicks. Affiliate links are URLs for a commercial site that usually, but not always, include an affiliate or referral ID in the URL, such as AffiliateID=19555&ProductID=508. The person whose ID is in the link gets a commission from anyone who buys from the site after following that link. Affiliate links should never be added to the directory.

Anyway ... I dont understand why people really depending on DMOZ ...

Thanks for your time and hope you understand my complains.


Oct 29, 2006
1. You want to become editor - system temporary unavailable
2. You want to submit a site - system temporary unavailable
3. Why I am still waiting - read the guidelines ...
1. - Working again
2. - Working again
3. - Still Valid, no problem found


Feb 27, 2007

I would like to have an answer for also the site that I mentioned. I think you answer all the questions except that ...

What is your approach at dmoz for this kind of violations? You let it stay because it has popularity or you check your guidelines back again and re-evaluate?



Mar 15, 2004
The domain you referened is a directory of affiliate programs, not an affiliate itself and is listed exactly once in Computers/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/Authoring/Webmaster_Resources/Affiliate_Programs/Resources/Directories/
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.