Happy Holidays from DMOZ!


Curlie Meta
Sep 25, 2007
Hi Everyone!

The editor community has collaborated to prepare the following post to wish you Happy Holidays. We hope you enjoy and we look forward to seeing you in 2011!


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Happy Holidays to all our users from the staff and editors at DMOZ.

This time of year is often the time for reflection of the year gone by. The highs and the lows, the joys and the pain of events that have passed through our lives.

There definitely has been some doom and gloom throughout the year especially
with the global financial crisis but hopefully this may get better with the new
year for all of us.

Why not research the traditions of Christmas and New Year by diving in and
looking at our categories and find out information about this time of year by
simply flicking through the sites we have on offer. For example, by just going
to Home/Cooking/Holidays/Christmas/ you will see "Eggnog@" This is a link to
Home/Cooking/Beverages/Eggnog/. If you needed to know about Eggnog, we
have 17 delicious recipes that will help get your festive party off to a great start.

Here are some of our Yuletide categories:

Kids_and_Teens/International/Español/Sociedad_y_gente/Festividades/Na vidad/
Kids_and_Teens/International/Japanese/人と社会/一年の行事/ク リスマス/
Kids_and_Teens/International/Česky/Lidé_a_společnost/Svátky_a_trad ice/Vánoce/
World/Thai/สังคม/วันหยุดประจำปี/ คริสมาสต์/

You will notice how much a global communtiy the ODP is by the way we tie
categories of a similar nature together when they are when they are in completely
different languages.

Take for instance the category at Society/Holidays/Christmas. If you look under
the "See Also" group of links (which are categories in the English language that
are related to this one) you will see immediately that we have a similar category
in 12 other languages. These languages are Catalan, Chinese Simplified, Czech,
Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, Swedish and Thai.
These links are here for your convenience and all you need to do to see what we
have in the other language is click on its name and you will be taken right to it.
If you know of some sites that could be added to any of the above categories, please
feel free to suggest them, or even better why not think about joining us and become
an editor. If you feel you would like to become part of the community just fill in the
application form and we will have a look at it as soon as possible.

As you can see from the number of categories above, and the plethora of different
languages, DMOZ is a multi-cultural, worldwide community that prides itself on trying
to give representation to all creeds, languages and cultures. That job is certainly not
finished, and it may never be, but we love to give it a go.

There are many other religious and non-religious festivals all around the world that
may not be as fully represented as they could be by the directory. It would be great
to have some input for these. Would like to join us to help us with that? We're always
eager to welcome new editors to help build and maintain categories, especially in areas
of the directory that are less developed. Just find a category that has your particular
interest, and click the become an editor link near the top of the page.

All that is left to do is again wish all our users a Happy Christmas and a prosperous New
Year and to assure you that we are all looking forward to a productive editing year at

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