Hard to get added to DMOZ


Oct 2, 2004
I have a few sites, and have tried to add them to the correct directory over the past 5 years. 1 was in the directory back from 1998 but was dropped for no reason. Many of my friends have tried to get there sites listed and have not had any luck. I have worked with realtors in the past and many of them where submitted of the 50 or so submitted 0 where added. What's going on??


Active Member
Mar 16, 2007
Dear Yukii!

I don't know what you think about, when you ask "What's going on??", but I can answer you about dropped website. Please, read this post below...

Relevant answer

I would suggest to you, that you submit again your website after you read the instructions about suggesting a site to ODP.

Best regards,


Oct 2, 2004
I have read guidelines before, and have re-suggested sites every year, but no results.


Jul 20, 2007
Yukii said:
I have read guidelines before, and have re-suggested sites every year, but no results.

Then maybe your site doesn't belong on dmoz?

edit: or to rephrase, might not be the sort of site that's listable :/


Oct 2, 2004
Why would a real estate site listed under its city not wanted on DMOZ.
I noticed that that DMOZ has not added any realtors in a few years. I wonder why?


Jan 23, 2003
As a reminder, you were told in 2005, back when we did status reviews, that your site lacked unique content. Have you added significant, unique content since then? is that unique content evident when someone visits your site?

I noticed that that DMOZ has not added any realtors in a few years. I wonder why?

Real estate websites (we don't list realtors, we list websites) are added every single day, and within the Regional part of the directory, more than 80% of all update requests come from real estate agents seeking changes to their listings.

The biggest problem we have with real estate websites can be summed up in four words: lack of unique content

Any real estate agentwanting to get their website considered should think about the following before suggesting their site:

  • Am I suggesting it at the locality where my office is located, or am I wasting everyone's time by suggesting it to the nearest large city, the county, the metro area, the state or the entire nation?
  • If I am using a templated site, am I showing my listings or am I pretending to be bigger than life by showing all my colleague's listings as well?
  • If I am using a templated site, am I showing my picture or the stock photo that comes with the template?
  • If I am using a templated site, did I use the About Me section to tell potential clients about myself, or did I keep the templated blather that begins..."In todays challenging real estate market..."
  • Does my site tell about who I am and what I can do for a potential client, or is it overflowing with flashing banners, AdSense ads, and irrelevant links.
  • Does my site really try and suggest that my dog plays a role in helping a client find or sell a home?
  • Is this one of 17 other websites I have?
  • Does my site clearly identify itself with my name and the name of the agency I represent -- or is it a "team" website where the agency name is hidden?
  • if it is a team website, do any of the other named agents have websites in the directory?
  • Does my name and office address clearly appear on the website? [About one in five real estate webistes are missing one or the other of these, and thus is not listable"
  • Am I using my real name on the website, or am I calling myself something like "the King of Oregon Real Estate" or the "Queen of Valley Rentals"?

Remember, content is what is on your website, so all those links to school rating sites, the Chamber of Commerce, etc. do not count.


Oct 2, 2004
Basiclly real estate site all have similar content.
In my area you only have 49 listed all similar content to other and mine.
There are over 5000 websites for my area but you only pick 49 old sites.
This does not bring any value to your listings. Some of the sites you have listed have not been updated in 7 years and have less content then mine.
Many of the 49 listed are in the wrong place, some are japanese,others
are not in business anymore. How can you say mine and other realtors done belong. My friend has a great website 1500+ pages and has been trying to get in for his area for 3 years all original content, he is in the top on all 3 search engines but DMOZ won't add him.

Its easy to make excuses not to add anyone, but it obvious you are not adding
most sites, content does not really matter. I am sure DMOZ has there reasons , just admit it.


Oct 29, 2006
Ok there are 3 types of Real estate sites.

There are general directories.
There are agency sites.
There are agent sites.

The latter 2 are the most common type.

Unique content is about the agency or agent, and what they do.

In my area you only have 49 listed all similar content to other and mine.
So you admit that there is nothing special about your site as it is similar to the ones listed.
There are over 5000 websites for my area but you only pick 49 old sites.
I flat out refuse to believe there are 5000 agents and/or agencies in any Locality in the world.
Some of the sites you have listed have not been updated in 7 years
That does not make them any less useful to a surfer, unless the information is no longer accurate ("some are japanese,others
are not in business anymore"), in which case report them in the quality control thread here http://www.resource-zone.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=5453 , or use the update listing link in the category.
How can you say mine and other realtors done belong.
We dont say that. We ask if the listing adds useful unique content to the category.
My friend has a great website 1500+ pages and has been trying to get in for his area for 3 years all original content, he is in the top on all 3 search engines but DMOZ won't add him.
More likely no one has reviewed the site, but amount of pages and search engine rankings make no difference. If all the content is recycled 'articles' that are on other sites, or generic pap from the templat makers, or offsite links to localschoolareareports.com it is not going to have the required unique content.

Just for the record MLS listings are NOT unique content, unless you are the owner of the MLS system. MLS is, by definition non-unique, it's a search on something that all agents can access (yes, usually for a fee), and does not represent the properties the agent/agency has sole agency agreements for (ie is the selling agent)..


Oct 2, 2004
If we use your logic then out of the first 49 sites all of them have similar content then 48 of them should be deleted and only have 1 left. Why stop at 49
out of 5000. Why not 1000 out of 5000. I reported all the sites for the same content will they be deleted, I think not. Your agenda is very easy, don't add any new sites, and give excuses why not to add any new sites.


Oct 29, 2006
You carefully miss the point that the sites did (at the time of listing) meet the minimum requirements for a listing. ie they had unique content about the agency/agent and what they do.

In reality the standards have changed, and some sites that were listed in the early days of the directory would not be listed today. Whether they are removed would depend on when or if a site was re-reviewed, and I already pointed out how to request that in the previous post. Just do not expect new site listings at the same time.

This 5000 sites is just a non event, there wouldn't even be 5000 sites for your whole state, much less the physical location of your office (which is where RE agents/agencies are listed, not by service area http://dmoz.org/guidelines/regional/realestate.html .

I reported all the sites for the same content will they be deleted, I think not.
I disagree, I would delete them if they did not have unique content. Note this does not mean they do not have similar and even identical information on the sites, but that they have nothing unique. I repeat Unique content is about the agency or agent, and what they do.

Look seriously there are sites out there that are true unmodified templates, even down to the agent photos and testimonials being identical site to site. There needs to be unique details on the site about the agent/agency, where they are physically located, what areas of RE they specialise in, along with whatever other non unique content they have copied/adapted/hotlinked for a site to have any chance of being listed. If it a phone book listing (name, address, phone number) and MLS search it has no chance. It needs to show a real presence for the locality and have some details of what that office does that no other RE site for the area does. (That may be as simple as service from Joe Bloggs - no one else can talk to Joe Bloggs, but it does need to have details about Joe, why someone is better off dealing with Joe than with another agent (real reasons, not marketing fluff), and what services Joe can offer.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
You might have got the idea that few volunteer editors find wading through piles of real estate sites, looking for the gems that actually do have unique and useful content, much fun.

That would be right.

Fortunately, being volunteers, nobody is going to command any editor to do that.

The RE sector in general has been has been so abusive of our directory, that we've been forced to create specific guidelines for it in self defence - a distinction that it shares with the travel, gambling and adult sectors.

If you think I'm being unsympathetic, that'd be right also. The industry is reaping what it's sewn.


Oct 2, 2004
As I said before, you guys only think of ways to make the internet experience
for users limited to a handful of old results, It will be your demise. I did not over state. There are over 20,000 realtors here and i have a list of there websites in my area 4759 websites and as I said only 49 on dmoz. Its a sad fact......


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Now if I was looking for realtor websites in my area, I sure as heck wouldn't want to visit 4759 of them. I'd be quite happy with a manageable list of 5-10 though :).

(and it's probably 4762 by now and counting...)


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
I did not over state. There are over 20,000 realtors here
Well, Realtor.com says differently. :D And do keep in mind that real estate agents are listed where they are physically located. An agent located in, say, Kailua, wouldn't be listed in Honolulu.

i have a list of there websites in my area 4759 websites and as I said only 49 on dmoz.
Ah! Are you counting web sites or individual real estate agents? Since every real estate agent seems to have dozens of web sites these days, you can see that there's a big difference between the two.


Oct 2, 2004
Realtor.com shows
4275 REALTORS® found.
Displaying 81 through 100. REALTORS® are listed alphabetically.

Thats just in Honolulu, and they only show members registered on realtor.com
There are alot more.


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
4275 REALTORS® found.
Displaying 81 through 100. REALTORS® are listed alphabetically.

I found that list. It is a phone list, not a list of websites. I don't think anybody doubts your word about the number of people employed in the real estate business, but we only list websites.

Also, what jimnoble said.


Oct 2, 2004
It seems you are thriving to be a inferior directory, who am I to change that.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.