Has http://www.abstracta.co.uk been moved?


Dec 10, 2003

My site http://www.abstracta.co.uk has been listed in the ODP for many years, but I've checked recently to find I am nowhere to be seen.

The category I was in here shows no sign of my site. However, when I view Google's cached snapshot of the page... there I am!

Please could someone explain this or let me know if I've been moved/removed and if I need to re-submit.




Sep 25, 2002
Well we had to choose betwen the two, and I guess the editor based his (or her) choice on the number of countries covered. The .co.uk states "Europe, Australia & New Zealand" while the .com mentions "Most of the world".

If you would like us to review the listing, you can ask for a URL update through the appropriate link on the category page.


Dec 10, 2003
I don't have anything to do with the .com they are a different company selling the same brand. I don't see why the ODP has top make a choice between which URL to display. If they need to split us up, why not put me in another category?

Perhaps my URL should have been moved here a more appropriate category geographically.

I can't ask for a URL review, because my URL no longer exists in that category.

So, does this now mean I have to re-submit?


Dec 10, 2003
That's because we're all selling Abstracta. A unique brand of display shelving.

There are many sites in the ODP selling the same stuff, which are sometimes placed in the same categories I'm sure.

What difference will contact details make? I understand the guidelines, but as my site was already in the ODP I don't see the need to change anything. I accept some contact details would favour a new submission.

Do you think I should re-submit?

Or is there another way this can be ressolved??


Sep 25, 2002

I talked about contact details, because if you have a real physical presence somewhere between the UK and New Zealand, you might be eligible for a Regional listing.


Curlie Admin
Aug 2, 2002
Actually, I think that we would consider abstractafurniture.com, abstracta.com, and abstracta.co.uk to be product-specific subsites of http://www.consortcorp.com/ (which is listed twice, by the way), and that none of them should be listed, except perhaps in a Regional/ category (for abstracta.co.uk, that would be in London) if there is an actual storefront that people can visit.


Dec 10, 2003
Thanks for your input. We are certainly 'product-specific' and related because we sell the same brand of shelving as the sites you mentioned. But I don't agree we are a subsite. We are not re-sellers of Consort Corp. We manufacture the shelving ourselves.

We have no dealings with Consort Corp and I'm not sure about the others, but we are a company, based in London, totally independent of Consort Corp. We just happen to sell the same brand of shelving to the UK & European market.

It seems to me the solution here is to move my listing to to the appropriate category. So...

Do you think I should re-submit?

Or is there another way this can be ressolved??

[added]Why does it make a difference if I have a store front?[/added]

Why does it make a difference if I have a store front?

If you have a store front (with address indicated on the web site), you can almost certainly be listed in the Regional hierarchy under your locality. This is independent of any listing you may have in the Business or (country)/Business hierarchies.

(I'm not sure about the latter. I think that you can have a (country)/Business listing and a (locality)/Business and Economy listing.)


Curlie Admin
Aug 2, 2002
According to Consort Corp., they own the Abstracta brand. They appear to consider you to be regional sellers/manufacturers/distributors of their brand. Perhaps you should take this up with them.

For our purposes, your site is a regional, product-specific subsite of consortcorp.com. It does not add any unique content to our directory, since the products can be found and ordered from the main consortcorp.com site. As a result, we wouldn't list your site in a topical branch category. Please do not resubmit to the Business branch category. In its current form, your site will not be listed there.

However, if you had a storefront where people in London might stop in and shop for your furniture, it would have local relevance to anyone in London looking to shop for this type of thing. As a result, it might be considered for listing in an appropriate subcategory of http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/England/London/ . We sometimes list subsites/deeplinks for local brick-and-mortar businesses to help our users who wish to shop offline.


Dec 10, 2003

Some time has passed but we now have details of our storefront on the site. I just need some advice on how to get back in the ODP:

Is the only way to get re-included in the ODP to re-submit and wait anything between 1 - 12 months plus?


lachenm said:
Please do not resubmit to the Business branch category. In its current form, your site will not be listed there.

However, if you had a storefront where people in London might stop in and shop for your furniture, it would have local relevance to anyone in London looking to shop for this type of thing. As a result, it might be considered for listing in an appropriate subcategory of http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/England/London/ . We sometimes list subsites/deeplinks for local brick-and-mortar businesses to help our users who wish to shop offline.

Is this still true and should I submit to a regional category? If so can I submit to a business category within a regional category or do I have to stay out of the business category altogether? :confused:

Appreciate some advice, thanks.



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>Is the only way to get re-included in the ODP to re-submit and wait anything between 1 - 12 months plus?

No. There are two options.

You can resubmit, and wait anything between 2 minutes and many years for the editors to either review your submittal or find the site on their own.

Or you can ... not resubmit, and wait anything between 2 minutes and many years, hoping the editors will find the site on their own.

Either method has worked for millions of sites. Neither method is predictable (so far as time to review is concerned.)

As for the category, drill down to the most specific regional category possible, then drill down through the business subcategories (if any) until you find the most specific one appropriate.
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