Has My Site Been Rejected or is it Still Being Reviewed


New Member
Feb 7, 2014
Hello DMOZ community,

My website, the Gighub, was submitted to the dmoz site several weeks ago. I totally understand that the DMOZ is completly volunteer operated and that you guys probably get hundreds of thousands of site submitted for review each day and that site can take anywhere from hours to years to be included. WIth that being said, I think the issue that the majority of people have is that is basically no way to tell if a site still has not been reviewed, or if the site has been rejected. If at all possible, i was hoping that you guys could inform me if my site has been reviewed or not. Thank you!


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
It seems you did read some of the other threads and still you are asking for the status of your suggestion.
The answer you will get is the same as we have given all other people.
We can / will not tell you the status
But you can do it yourself

is the website of the kind we do not list (just read DMOZ guildelines). If the answer is yes it is or will be rejected.
If the answer is no and the website is not listed than it must be waiting review.
See how easy it is.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.