have a good page rank but never listed

Tut Anj Amon

Oct 28, 2006
Hello, my name is Damian Azagra, im the Administrator of <url removed>, a touristic website about lodging in bed & breakfasts in Argentina. My site has more than 2 years in the net, i have listed more than 30 properties on it. Its a nice usefull website where everything is well done and legal. I tried more than 5 times in these 2 years of being listed under this category:

Regional: South America: Travel and Tourism: Lodging: Bed and Breakfast

Theres no better category than this one, my site is ranked 1st on yahoo, 1st on msn and it has a page rank of 4, but is never listed on DMOZ , I really dont know what else to do, because in DMOZ in the same category I found site worst than mine.. What can I do?? What is wrong????

Thanks You very much for your reply.

Damian Azagra
<url removed>


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
We don't critique sites here and we no longer give site suggestion status checks here so I'm afraid there's nothing we can do here. Where you rank in search engines is irrelevent to how long it will take someone to review your suggestion. Assuming the site is listable and you've suggested it to the right place, someone will get to it eventually. We just can't tell you when that will be.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Don't look for sites that are worse than yours. That site might have been listed a long time ago, and if it were reviewed today, it might not be listed. In fact, if it were reviewed today, it might lose its listing. Or -- perhaps that directory has something unique in its own way, even though you have managed to figure out some way in which you think it is inferior to yours.

For a directory, you need to look at it the way editors will.

If a directory site is not better (in SOME way) than EVERY directory already listed -- not only in that specific region, but the global directories listed in higher-level categories -- then we probably won't want to list it. So if it can't claim to offer something significant that nobody else can" -- then count on not being listed.

If a passing surfer can't find some clue to a directory's unique significance in 30 seconds or less, then ... there are lots of other directories to look at, so count on not being listed.

In fact, just count on not being listed. (And even if the site is someday listed, a pleasant surprise won't hurt you!) Count on not being listed until the site is so good, so well-known, that it doesn't NEED an ODP listing.

And go about doing what it takes to build a directory that's WORTH being that well-known.

Tut Anj Amon

Oct 28, 2006
Thanks You

Thanks to the Moderators that answered my question.

Excuse me then, but i think im missing something about how DMOZ works or its usefull then. Its not my intenttion to say that theres a site worst than mine, my only intenttion is to be on dmoz list. I supose DMOZ wants usefull sites, with good information, well done, with no broken links, like every book about web optimization says. If i have to think at first that I wont be listed, and If i am is because some kind of miracle thats not really my idea. You dont work with some rules?? Some paremeters?? A good site can be no listed and a bad one yes??.

(Count on not being listed until the site is so good, so well-known, that it doesn't NEED an ODP listing.)

I aprecciate the irony, but my work its on this site, maybe for you this is a hobby or something, but theres people working with sites for you to know, and if you take this things serious and read some websites you will find that lots of sites says you should be listed on DMOZ because is important, for example for Google, so thats why i have the intenttion to be there. And I also read in other site that in this forum i could discuss about DMOZ issues, thats because DMOZ page is not so good about trying to talk to somebody (even editors).

If nobody can tell me how it works, what time it takes, why im not there, nobody you could talk to, no rules, etc.. this is very strange.

Thanks You.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> my only intenttion is to be on dmoz list.
But your intention should be to build a site usefull for your visitors (I did not look at you site so I don't know if you already did this)

> like every book about web optimization says.
Most of these books and websites don't know what they are talking about. DMOZ has nothing to do with web optimization.

> You dont work with some rules?? Some paremeters??
We call the m guidelines. And you can read about them on http://dmoz.org/add.html and http://dmoz.org/guidelines/

> A good site can be no listed and a bad one yes??.
It all depends on what you call "good" and "bad"

> (Count on not being listed until the site is so good, so well-known, that it doesn't NEED an ODP listing.)
Yes, that is the best option.

> I aprecciate the irony, but my work its on this site, maybe for you this is a hobby or something, but theres people working with sites for you to know, and if you take this things serious and read some websites you will find that lots of sites says you should be listed on DMOZ because is important, for example for Google, so thats why i have the intenttion to be there.
We don't care if a listing is good for the website. We only care if it is usefull for our visitors / customers.

> And I also read in other site that in this forum i could discuss about DMOZ issues
Yes, you can. But we have here also some rules. And discussing a specific site is not one of the things we discuss. See http://www.resource-zone.com/guidelines.php

> If nobody can tell me how it works, what time it takes, why im not there, nobody you could talk to, no rules, etc.. this is very strange.
We can try to explain how it works.
You suggest a site. Somewhen in teh future an editor will review the suggestion and decide to list or not to list the site. There is nothing more about it. We can't predict when a suggested site might be reviewed. Could be in a few days, a few weeks, months or years. We just don't know.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
OK, I think you're figuring it out. The ODP is a hobby site. And you were looking for the "Commercial Business Services for Free Department." Which doesn't exist.

And someone said something which led you to believe we DID have such a department. They shouldn't have misled you like that. But they may have been confused themselves. And you should have been more careful about whom you listened to.

But as it is, you could have become irritated and frustrated and even angry, just because you couldn't find how to get to our commercial business services department: and now you know better. There is no such thing.

And therefore, there are all kinds of issues that DMOZ doesn't have. How about customer service statistics? No business customers, so we don't need to track that kind of thing: we can use the extra energy doing something constructive.

That's why a forum like this is so important.

So maybe the ODP doesn't matter to you anymore because you only wante commercial business services. That's OK, now you know where you need to go.

And maybe the ODP will matter to you some other time, when you're looking for a way to help out your hobby. You'll know where to come. And that would be OK also.

Either way, it's always good to get the confusion cleared up, and deal with reality.

Tut Anj Amon

Oct 28, 2006
Ok lets leave things here. I came politely to try to understand how DMOZ works and I only received answers with irony, saying my site "maybe is not so usefull", "should care about what i offer to my customers", etc. Nice, I seems to be a bad guy when I just want to understand this. Thanks to all.

I care to be on DMOZ, so you should respect me a lil more. It doesnt matter if I have a commercial site or a forum about Superman private life. OR you make those kind of comparission?? Its bad to review a commercial place??.

Anyways I have seen how you answer to other topics and you speak in the same way, is like you enjoy to have "the power" and to see how people is worried about their sites, maybe you find this funny.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>OR you make those kind of comparission?? Its bad to review a commercial place??

Yes, it is bad to review a commercial place ... as a service to a webmaster. That is called "abuse" and can get editors removed.

But it is OK to review a commercial place, as a help for surfers who are looking for websites of businesses that provide goods and services to surfers.

Ah, you were thinking someone had "the power" over your site. But that power is all, completely, yours. Whether it gets listed here or not is controlled by the editing guidelines, it is not the editor's choice, and it is not in the editor's power to change those.

You know how an editor will look at your site. That's not an option for us, it is controlled by the editing guidelines. Now you have all the power. You can change your site however you like. You can add your own knowledge to the site, or you can plagiarize other sites. It is your choice, all the power is yours. You can make the site easy to navigate, or you can hide parts of it. It is your choice, all the power is yours. You can control what the surfer sees....all we can do is look at what you offer. It is your choice, all the power is yours.

All I control is how I choose to spend my time. And it is extremely small-minded of you to resent that.


Nov 6, 2002
I've seen the sort of answers Tut Anj Amon is complaining about. As a moderator, I've deleted a few of them. Sadly, when confronted with obtuse or willful refusal to understand what we're doing, I've posted a few of them myself. For that, I apologize.

But I don't see them in this thread. What I see here are factual statements about what we're doing and what our priorities are, posted by those of us who chose to do develop our directory in accordance with our own guidelines.


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
maybe for you this is a hobby or something, but theres people working with sites for you to know
Exactly. This is why webmasters are often so frustrated with the ODP, and why ODP editors are often so frustrated with webmasters.

For us, this is a hobby. We don't do it for a living, we do it because it's fun. And many webmasters think we are being disrespectful towards the fact that for them, it's a livelihood. But we're not. It's just that it is not one of the factors that are relevant to us. We look at the site, its content, whether it is useful or not -- and if it is, we list it. But we don't do it as a service to webmasters, to make their site more visible; that's just not what this place is about. (And we are not concerned with a site's page rank at all, either positively or negatively. Page rank is another irrelevant factor.)

As for why worse sites than yours are already listed -- that may be true. There may be worse sites than yours which are still useful and listable, and then they should stay listed. Or they may have become useless since they were listed and then they should be removed. In any case, sites that are already listed are not stopping your site from being listed, as such. Your site will be reviewed on its own merits (and if all its content is available on sites that are already listed then it probably won't be, but I'm not assuming that).

Finally, about making your site useful to the people who will visit and use it. If you concentrate on the users, your customers, and have a site that is useful for them with information that isn't available in other sites -- then you're providing a good service with your site, and the reviewing DMOZ editor will be happy to list it.
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