have I been obnoxious?


Jul 15, 2005
I initially tried submitting my site (www.titancommodities.com) in nov/dec of 04 and have tried re-submitting every month or so since then, after it was suggested that I do so in some search engine optimization book. I am now reading that my anxiousness may have caused a larger delay in the eventual submission of my site. Is this true? Do I have any hope of being approved by the end of the year?

thanks in advance,



Aug 11, 2004
Please read FAQ

Yes, you most likely have delayed the review of your suggested site. Please do not re-submit. There is no set time of when any suggested site may be reviewed. Can take anywhere from 10 min to 3 years. :)


Jan 23, 2003
What you ask is impossible to answer. The reason: there are categories where the wait time for an editor review is in excess of three years -- and that assumes that all of the submission rules have been followed.

OK, so you got some bad advice. In all likelihood, it is not fatal. (I haven't looked, so I am speaking in generalities.) Sure, we have the right to stomp you for oversubmitting, but in practice, we don't often do that unless other factors come into play, such as mirrors, shotgun submissions all over the directory, etc.

So if you have been submitting the same URl to the same category, yor risk is minimal. Since new submissions overwrite older submissions, there is a chance that the reviewing editor will never know that you received and followed some bad advice. If the editor sorts submissions by submission date (some do, some don't) then your submission ill only show the most recent date.

I know ther are a lot of ifs and maybes here, but this is not a determanistic system that lends itself to predictions.

Unless you hve engaged in other forms of directory abuse, I would not lose any sleep over it.
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