Have I picked the wrong catergory?


Feb 3, 2007

I'm pretty sure I have entered my website in the wrong catergory. My question is, should I re enter it in a different more suitable catergory?

I am concerned that if I enter my site again, I will get penalised...

The problem I have, is that we manufacture high quality italian leather bags (handbags, luggage, briefcases, wallets, purses etc) in Italy and distribute them around Europe. We are a UK based company and hold most of our stock in England, but I have submitted our website to an Italian catergory. I think this was an error on my part!!!

Due to the variety of products we sell, which catergory would be more appropraite?

Shopping: Travel: Luggage: Leather Products
Shopping: Clothing: Accessories: Handbags and Purses: Leather
Shopping: Crafts: Leather

You can see the dilemma I have?

Any advice would be extremely useful.

Thank you in advance

NB. I have many years experience and qualifications in this field and may be able to help as an editor. However, due to my company trying to get listed, I feel that my application may be bias. (and of course I would look more favourably on our application).

Is it worth applying?


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
When you say "Italian category", do you mean a category in the http://dmoz.org/World/Italiano category tree, or the http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/Italy category tree? The former is only for sites with content in Italian - if you suggested an English-only site there it would be a good idea to find another category for it. Regional/Europe/Italy and its subcategories are for English-language sites with relevance for Italy. If you have a factory in Italy, the site might be suitable for the category for the locality where the factory is. The site might also be listable somewhere under http://dmoz.org/Shopping/ if it is possible to use the site to order products (not necessarily an online shopping cart, but some way of ordering.) To be listable in Shopping/ you also need to sell internationally.

If the bags are not sold through the site, it might be listable somewhere under http://dmoz.org/Business , which is where manufacturers' sites live. As for the specific category in Shopping/ or Business/ , look at the other sites listed in the category and see if they are similar to your site. If you suggest it to the wrong category an editor will move it to the right one; if you later realise that you sent it to the wrong place, one extra suggestion will probably help the editors review it sooner. (The category descriptions should help you find the best category - unfortunately not all categories have adequate descriptions yet.)

Applying to be an editor: It's perfectly OK to edit in a category where you have a business affiliation, but you have to be upfront about all sites you are afiliated with when you apply. If you become an editor, you must not treat your own site differently from the other sites in the category in any way, that is, if the site is listable in the category you edit you'd be expected to list it, but you'd also be expected to list your competitors.


Feb 3, 2007
We do retail our products online and also ship internationally.

I think that submitting the site to one of the catergories mentioned on my last email, would be more appropriate (I think this may get listed faster due to the websites commercial fascia - Shopping).

If you search in google.com for luxury italian luggage - we come up no. 1 (Sorry, I did not want to give the website address away - <removing partial URL)

You can see the problems with trying to submit to an appropriate catergory.

Which catergory would you choose:

Shopping: Travel: Luggage: Leather Products
Shopping: Clothing: Accessories: Handbags and Purses: Leather
Shopping: Crafts: Leather

As mentioned, I want to get this right first time and then leave it.

Once again, thank you for your assistance


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Just pick the one you thinks fits your products most and suggest the site there. If the reviewing editor decides it fits somewhere else better, they'll move it.
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