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I applied for Shopping: Health: Reproduction and Sexuality: Penis Enlargement
I am a physician and I already have my site listed there.

06-01-03 was the app date. No answer yet.

I can provide further details via private mail if needed.


Mar 25, 2002
There are currently no applications for that category. I would assume that your application has been rejected. Did you check the email address that you used to apply for the category for a reject e-mail? Sometimes a spam filter will reroute those messages so check any spam folders or filters.

I would have to say that I doubt that we would grant that category to a new editor. Because of the high amount of spam and affiliate sites that are trying to get into that category we would usually leave that to an existing editor with quite a bit of editing experience in that area.


I have never recieved a rejection notice.
In fact, I am more than happy to provide you the email info I received from dmoz.

The category is prone to affiliate spam, however my site is already listed in the category I'm requesting.

I am fully qualified as a physician and web operator to be able to seperate the wheat from the chaff in this category.

Does that mean I should apply again?


Mar 25, 2002
Dealing with spam is time-consuming, energy-absorbing, and frustrating. Spotting it requires quite a bit of editor experience.

Therefore it's no reflection on you, your site, or your abilities that you won't be accepted to this category before you've "cut your teeth" a little.

If you want to become an editor, I would find a nice small category where you can find your feet. A good suggestion is the Regional category of the locality you live, were born, or like visiting. Those aren't usually spam-prone, are small enough to manage, and will give you a lot of experience both processing submissions, but also in going out and finding other sites to list.

Hope this help. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


May 26, 2002
Being an editor in a category like that isn't so much as having experience in the subject matter at hand, but more having experience in using the editors tools, and being able to see round the sneaky and devious tricks that spammers try to pull in order to conceal their tracks. That is why new editors are encouraged to try for small and non-spammy areas of the directory to start off with.

Short Answer: What Alucard said.


Mar 19, 2003
Well it does say:

"Please note, though, that some areas are more prone to abuse than others. For these areas it is difficult - but not impossible - to get accepted as a brand new editor."

which at least drops a hint.
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