Have suggested a URL, but no reply?


Oct 22, 2007
I have suggested a URL to the catagory Business: Retail Trade: Store Fixtures: Mannequins several days ago,

The URL is <removed>, but still have not received any reply for that? I have followed all correct steps and contacted the editor.

How long normally it takes to get a site listed?



Jan 23, 2003

Welcome to the R-Z.

Thank you for suggesting a site for our review. Since the ODP is not a listing service, one of our volunteer editors will eventually review the suggestion. review can take two years or more, depending upon the category.

There is no need to contact the editor whose name is on the category, as no editor "owns" a category, and there are more than 200 editors who can edit in any part of the directory. In addition, editors are encouraged NOT to respond to unsolicited e-mails from people who have suggested sites because of some horrible experiences we have had in the past.

The acknowledgment screen you received when you made your suggestion is, in all probability, the only feedback you will ever receive from us. You have done everything you can do to bring the site to our attention. Now comes the hardest part of all: you wait.

We suggest that you use the wait time productively by continuing to add content to your site and to make sure it provides the best possible experience to visitors.

Finally, there is no way to check on the status of a suggestion. If we choose to list the site, then entire world knows once it gets published. If we choose not to list the site, no feedback is given as in the vast majority of cases, the reason for it not being listed is that it does not comply with our guidelines or is a type of site that we do not list.

Hope this helps.


Oct 5, 2007
I also suggested a URL and along time I did't recieve any reply? how much time need that I send reply about my site status(added or regected)?


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
The answer is in the post above yours. {moz}


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
pronate said:
I also suggested a URL and along time I did't recieve any reply? how much time need that I send reply about my site status(added or regected)?
As spectregunner replied above, there is typically never going to be any kind of reply to a suggestion of a URL. You will get the confirmation screen after you submit your suggestion, that is most likely all the feedback you will get. That confirmation means the system received your suggestions and will place it in the unreviewed pool for the category. After that, there is nothing more forthcoming in most cases. When a volunteer editor reviews the suggestion (there is no way to predict who that will be or when they will be interested in looking at the suggestion) they will perform a review. If accepted you will be able to see the listing on the public page for that category in which it is listed. If it is rejected, there is no automatic feedback.

<add>nea was faster, should have refreshed before submitting. I am a slow typist.<end>


Oct 25, 2007
Ive registered over a period of about 8 months every month to a different but relevent categorie just incase i was listing to the wong one but still nothing, ive researched which categories simalar sites are listed in but still nothing


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
!aaaaa! said:
Ive registered over a period of about 8 months every month to a different but relevent categorie just incase i was listing to the wong one but still nothing, ive researched which categories simalar sites are listed in but still nothing
You haven't been 'listing' anything with DMOZ, only editors can do that. What you have been doing is suggesting your URL in contradiction to the Submission Policies that you have agreed to having read (and understood) each time you resuggested. In those guidelines you are instructed to only submit a URL one time and to the single best category. By submitting 8 times in 8 months and to different categories you are spamming now not suggesting. I would strongly encourage you to cease from further suggestions, if you have as you say suggested the URL at least 8 times in the last eight months you have done more than you need to. Further attempts at suggesting the site would be considered spam and given sufficient time would have nothing but negative effects on review time.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
So if we are to take !aaaaa! at his word, he's deliberately flouted our submission guidelines and caused our editors to eventually do eight times as much work as they needed to have done to process his website.

... yet people direct their anger at editors for not working hard enough :(.


Nov 1, 2007
Are sites rejected or just not selected

I have worked on my real estate site for several years and recently moved toward use of standards and valid html and additional content. I submitted my site over a year ago but have made significant improvements and want to have the site reconsidered for inclusion. My question is: Should I consider my site to still be under consideration based on the past submission or are sites formally rejected.


Jan 23, 2003
In answering, I'm going to make a couple of assumptions.

1. You have correctly suggested the site to the correct subcategory within the locality where your office is located.
2. Your site contains your office address and some content that is uniquely about you. Remember links are not content.

Now, if you have not suggested the site in 2007, go ahead and do so one additional time. The server crash from a year ago caused the loss of quite a few suggestions, and we are not penalizing anyone for a second suggestion.

In the event the site was denied a listing prior to the crasy, it might be helpful if in the description you indicate that new content has been added. Also, please take the extra 15 second to give us a compliant title:

Your Name - Agency Name


Oct 29, 2006
I'll make one more assumption, based on your user name, that you use and or provide MLS listings.

If you show MLS listings, they are not considered unique content - MLS is by definition available to multiple agents/agencies.
If you are the MLS provider, ie you are the company that actually runs the MLS, then that fact is obvious on the site (it would be unique as only one company operates the specific MLS)

You might want to take a look at the Real Estate guidelines to see if your site is listable http://www.dmoz.org/guidelines/regional/realestate.html

As spectregunner said, if you havn't suggested it this year, please do once again, but I suggest you read those guidelines first.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.