Have You Heard?


Oct 9, 2004
I'm sorry, but I just have to have a little fun with this ...

But I'm amazed at how prominently the notice of submission status discontinuance is posted throughout the RZ and even in many Ed/Mod signature blocks and yet folks STILL ask ...

Just as funny though, are the one's who think they can "skirt" the issue by conjuring up "tales" of how an editor said to check back after "x" date and now what?? Or even the ones who think they're smart enough to find new ways to ask ... get real!

I know that it must be very frustrating for you poor Editors, Moderators et al, but at the same time, I hope you're able to take with a grain of salt and simply laugh at the stupidity of it all .... maybe catalog them for a book? :p

P.S. Can you tell me the status of ... sorry :stop:


Apr 15, 2003
I think the same symptom of "not reading the obvious" is part of why the status forum was taken down. I think about 70% of the replies were asking people to read the instructions about how to post the question - and half the time that led to arguments.

If the majority of the questions had been posted correctly, and the answer accepted as provided, then the status forum would still be here. As it was, the dialogues were getting too contentious.


Jan 23, 2003
Mr. Rat is correct. there were huge reading comprehension problems that had nothing to do with language. People heard only what they wanted to hear, and would repeat only that part of the disucssion that supported what they wanted to hear.

Just look, for example, at editor applications. The standard letter we send (and which some people claim is too long) contains a list of the most common reasons why and editor application was declined. Yet, time and time again, people come and say they were declined because the category already had an editor and them complain that the editor in question is not doing their job.

Or we would tell someone to come back in 30 days for a status check, and they would come back demanding to know why they were not listed because we promised that we would list the site in 30 days.

Or they would being with..."I submitted my site 6 days ago, it is not listed, and the editor must be corrupt."


Oct 9, 2004
One of the very first classes I took in college was a basic Rhetoric class, merely because it was GER for degree completion; the prof. was very old school - hated cliches, the whole nine yards ...

Anyway, the very first thing we had to do in her class, was to read an article, "It's Not What You Ask For, But How You Ask For It". That set the tempo for the entire semester; that article, its ideology, and her high esteem for it would haunt us at every turn. In retrospect, it was one of the greatest lessons I was ever taught that has stuck with me all these years later - thank you, Profressor Kay! (She was pretty hot looking for her age too! - when you're 17, you generally aren't checking out someone 50+, but she could still turn heads) :)

So, where were we ... oh yes, people who interpret to convenience ... let 'em eat cake!


Aug 11, 2004
To be honest, when I first came to RZ I had no clue as to how the ODP worked. It seemed to me that the status check took up way too many resources for the little information it gave people. I learned a lot more going through and being in discussions in the general forum threads. Even then, I'm not sure how guys like bobrat and spectregunner can bring themselves to answering the same questions day in and day out. Im suprised they dont have templates they use to answer half of them. :eek

Keep up the good work, it really helped me. :)


Apr 15, 2003
Im suprised they dont have templates they use to answer half of them
I do [did] have a lot of cut and paste answers with all the colors and highlights you never wanted :eek: . The main problem was that this forum software only allows an answer every thirty seconds.

The following takes me ten seconds to post

We'd really like to help you
with your site status request
but we find it's not so easy
to do your behest

Please provide a complete URL to the category - it should start with http://dmoz.org/

To ensure you do that correctly and are following all the other posting rules please

Please do not start an additional thread for the same question. It just causes additional work and will not get you an answer any faster. Always use your original thread. If you do not get an answer in a week, then reply to your existing thread with the word Bumping

Simply past the entire URL into your message - no need to do anything else - it may display with ... it the middle.

To avoid further delays in getting your answer please go and read the guidelines to ensure you do that correctly and are following all the other posting rules please


Your submission request is incomplete
At a minimum check that
  • You have provided a clickable category link and that it works
  • That you have waited one month since you last submitted. [If you submitted six months ago, and again last week - that's not a month]
Bookmark, and reply to this thread when you are ready to proceed, do not start another thread.
(Incomplete status requests may be ignored.)

Please provide a complete URL to the category - it should look something like this --> http://www.dmoz.org//Business/Investing/Research_and_Analysis/

To ensure you do that correctly and are following ALL the other posting rules please
read the message at the top of this forum ATTENTION - Forum Guidelines - READ BEFORE POSTING

Why this long winded reply? Since you didn't post following the guidelines, I can only assume you didn;t read any of them, and it would be good to do that now, lest you make another mistake, and avoid furhter delays. Please note that a reply to this might now get delayed, so please allow a couple of days for a reply.

[readme]Please read the guidelines[/readme]

[As a result of forum software changes in early March the old bookmarked threads cannot be used :) All old threads have been moved to the new forum.]

To find all your threads Quick Links -> My Profile -> Find all threads started by ...

Please follow the forum guidelines and keep all requests about the same site in the same thread.

If your review the forum guidelines, you will find we ask you wait minimum of a month between status requests.

Your question has slipped down in the list, if you still want an answer, just reply to your own thread
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.