having a grumble :(


Apr 1, 2007
Not one to have a paddy but I've been waiting patiently for our website to be listed @ Home: Family: Pregnancy: Chats and Forums

Now I notice a new entry (I'm 80% sure it's new)
http://www.No URLs here please
... and it's a closed forum with no frontpage (unless you class the Apache server index as a front page).
Seen here: http://www.No URLs here please

Now I understand that it takes time to be listed, but come on guys (and gals) I'm feeling a little downhearted when sites like this get put on and our community that has hundreds of thousands of posts and hundreds of active members get over looked.

just a grumble... ignore me :(



Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
First of all: Thanks for letting us know that a listed website does not longer work. But please note that the correct procedure would either be to hand in an "Update Listing" request via the link at the top right of the cateory, or the apropriate thread in our QC-Forum. Anyway, I just removed the listing.

Now I notice a new entry (I'm 80% sure it's new)
If you would have looked at the "Last changed" timestamp at the bottom of the category, you would have seen "Thursday, January 11, 2007". Which tells me that you are wrong in assuming the site is newly added. A quick look at the Wayback Archive shows that it was already there in 2006. I didn't bother checking if it was there before that.

So please: Before you "grumble" the next time in public, please check if what you are grumbling about is based on speculation or on facts.


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
woostar said:
Not one to have a paddy but I've been waiting patiently for our website to be listed @ Home: Family: Pregnancy: Chats and Forums
It's never wise to wait on something that is not guaranteed. Not all sites are listable and not all sites going to be included. The project is not about listing every site on every topic, rather its about listing a selection of the best sites on the topic. It is much better for any site owner to submit the site for consideration and move on to building the sites content for the most important target-the audience of the site. Its also much more important to submit the site and then work on normal promotional strategies, then to sit worrying about when or whether a listing in one directory will ever occur.

Just my two-pennies.


Apr 1, 2007
Fairplay, some of my post was based on speculation. What I can say for a fact is by comparing the Whois registration time and Wayback Archive this site was never fully operational but still managed to get listed.

I didn't come here to "grumble" ..."in public" I came to grumble to people that know better than me when it comes to dmoz and maybe shed some light on the subject.

It's never wise to wait on something that is not guaranteed.

Its also much more important to submit the site and then work on normal promotional strategies
If we were a business I would understand your point about "promotional strategies" but we are a site run by volunteers and funded by donations (which are non existent) and some new members would make it all worth while (if only they could find us :rolleyes:).

Anyway, thanks for your time answering my post.



Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
woostar said:
If we were a business I would understand your point about "promotional strategies" but we are a site run by volunteers and funded by donations (which are non existent) and some new members would make it all worth while (if only they could find us :rolleyes:).
This makes it sound like there is no way to promote a volunteer run site without dmoz.org and that isn't the case. There are plenty of ways to promote a site on a limited or non-existent budget. The ODP is not a magic bullet that will miraculously turn things around. ;)


Jan 23, 2003
What I can say for a fact is by comparing the Whois registration time and Wayback Archive this site was never fully operational but still managed to get listed.

Methinks you are speculating again.

The whois registration data plays exactly zero part in a site being listed. It is irrelevant.

The wayback machine can be helpful, but is also not the do-all, end-all in terms of proving anything in terms of what content a site may or may not have had when we listed it.

One thing I can assure you: at some point in time an editor viewed the site and determined that it had sufficient unique content to met our guidelines at that time.

None of this, of course, has anything to do with your site.


Apr 1, 2007
shadow575 said:
There are plenty of ways to promote a site on a limited or non-existent budget. The ODP is not a magic bullet that will miraculously turn things around. ;)

Every little helps ;)

Anyway, had a little look at that part of the directory and submitted a list in the "Quality Control Feedback" forum. Hope you find it useful.



Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
woostar said:
Every little helps ;)
Agreed, just don't get caught up waiting for something to be the save all, end all. There is nothing to wait for, just suggest the URL and continue on as you would had you not found dmoz.org. The frustrations will be fewer and if the site is listed it will just be another link (icing on the cake if you will).

woostar said:
Anyway, had a little look at that part of the directory and submitted a list in the "Quality Control Feedback" forum. Hope you find it useful.
We always appreciate it when someone points out things that need correcting. Next time feel free to just add them to the thread specifically created for them: http://www.resource-zone.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=5453
It will be easier for someone to find and work through them there. ;)
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.