Having trouble getting category/description change

We have recently changed the focus of our business, and I am trying to get my site's category changed. I first tried adding the URL to the new category, but nothing happened. Then I tried asking the editor of the old category to move it, and still nothing. My site has two focuses - one is hats/turbans and the other is wigs. I am currently in the wig category. I would prefer to be listed in both, but if that can't happen, we need to move to the caps and hats category since most of our business is in that category. Any suggestions? We're an established site; have been on DMOZ for a long time and the internet for 6 years. I was going to try to email the editor of caps and hats but I don't want to get penalized for spamming. I'm just trying to get my site updated. THANKS! My site is http://www.headcovers.com HELP!

Re: Having trouble getting category/description ch

Clickable links to the categories would be helpful. Thanks. <img src="/images/icons/smirk.gif" alt="" />

Re: Having trouble getting category/description ch

Is it possible to be listed in both categories? If you look at my site, I think it is appropriate. If it's against the rules, I understand, but we really do have two themes to our web site. In any case, we would most appropriately be listed in the caps and hats category. Even if we have to give up the wigs category to get placed there. Thanks for your time.

Re: Having trouble getting category/description ch

All I can say is that your update requests / submissions are waiting to be reviewed in the queues of the two categories. You should not submit again, or submit to another category.

I'm not familiar enough with that specific part of the directory to say which category is most appropriate, and I don't want to give you a wrong answer here. Sorry. Maybe someone else can.

I do however think it's unlikely that your site will be listed in both categories. <img src="/images/icons/smirk.gif" alt="" />

Re: Having trouble getting category/description ch

Thank you for your reply. Am I correct in assuming that the changes haven't been made because the editor(s) haven't reviewed them yet? So my requests haven't been rejected? How long does it normally take for something to happen? Thanks - it was great getting real human help!

Re: Having trouble getting category/description ch

&gt;&gt;Am I correct in assuming that the changes haven't been made because the editor(s) haven't reviewed them yet?&lt;&lt;

Yes, that's exact.

I can't tell you when editors will have a look at it, but eventually someone will. Please be patient, there's usually quite a lot of work to do in the Shopping categories.

Feel free to ask again in a month or two if nothing has happened. Please use this thread if you decide to do so, it will automatically be bumped to the top of the list. <img src="/images/icons/smirk.gif" alt="" />


Curlie Meta
Mar 7, 2002
Re: Having trouble getting category/description ch

Hi headcovers,

I'm one of the lead editors for the Shop/Clothing categories. As an FYI to you, Clothing has over 6000 unreviewed, and *that's* why it's taking so long to process your site. There are not many active editors in this corner of the directory, so it's a constant battle to keep up with things. Editors try *very* hard to not list the same site more than once in the Topical portion of the directory, but there are rare exceptions. I have not looked at your site, so cannot say whether it's appropriate to list it multiple times or not. So sit back, or better yet, volunteer as an editor; someone will get to it eventually.

Marissa <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

Re: Having trouble getting category/description ch

Thank you for your post; you have provided some good insights. I will sign up to volunteer. It sounds like you all could use some help!
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