Having trouble submitting 2 sites


Sep 9, 2009
My name is Alex Kirchmann, and i work for an electrical engineering manufacturer in the bay area, California. I have tried submitting one of the sites in its most appropriate category, but for the categories that most directly pertain to the sites i am interested in submitting, there is no suggest URL and when i try to contact the editor i get a proxy error from your website and the message is never sent. I have been attempting to submit our 2 sites in their appropriate categories with little success. if you could please help me in submitting our site relating to the <irrelevant proprietary keyword removed>, a new military product that we converted for commercial use that reconditions and desulfates batteries with our patented technology that has never been available to the industrial/commercial sectors until now. please let me know what i can do, what additional information i can submit, and how i can get our sites listed on the DMOZ. We are very active in the battery recovery, maintenance and development fields, and would love to be a part of your wonderful site and community. thank you for your time and i look forward to hearing from anyone who can help.

Alex Kirchmann
(urls presumably available on request--moderator)


Apr 5, 2004
Provided you have read and followed the instructions for suggesting a site, you have done all you need to do, and indeed all you can do.
A volunteer will no doubt see your suggestion at some stage, and if necessary move it to a more appropriate category. We do that all the time. :)
However, reviewing site suggestions is not a priority for editors, so there is no time frame involved, and therefore no way for you to "speed up" the process.
More information can be found in this forum's FAQ.


Curlie Meta
Apr 16, 2005
Hi Alex

We will only list one of your sites however - the main business one (rather than the product site) - so that is the one you should be looking for a category for.

When a category has no suggest url link, it usually means it is either a spam magnet, a link farm or that sites are expected to fit in one of the sub-categories. I doubt the first from your description.

I suggest that you find the best sub-category for the main business site and suggest it there. An editor will (eventully) review it and decide whether to move it 'up' to the category you could not suggest it to or not.

As you have a physical location (ie factory, office) you may also suggest the site to the locality category presumably under Regional/North_America/United_States/California/



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
All the relevant information MUST be on the website. The "suggestion" is just that -- a hint about what the editor should look for on the website, and when he'd want to look for it. Nothing in the suggestion matters, if it can't be verified on the website. Nothing omitted from the suggestion matters, if the editor happens to notice it on the website.

You might want to review the rules about suggesting "related sites". Two sites that describe different product lines of the same company are definitely "related"--they're conceptually part of the company's main site, whether or not they're accessible through the same domain name.
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