Hello Volunteers


Oct 18, 2004
I have submitted my site http://www.hotlyricz.com like 2 times until now The site is now an year old. I also have realized that you have stopped giving status updates.

My only request for the moderators/admins/volunteers is to please check what is lacking on my site. If you could direct me as to why my site isnt being included I could modify my site and request for inclusion.

If you could let me know as to what mistakes I am incorporating in my site design, I will gladly rectify those..Please help..

Thanks a lot


Apr 15, 2003
My only request for the moderators/admins/volunteers is to please check what is lacking on my site.
That requires someone review your site - which is like asking for priority service.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I am very interested in making more lyrics visible on the internet: and I think I've made a significant contribution in that area. Here's how I do it.

First I look around for what is available, using Google searches and reviews of known authoritative sites. I try to figure out the most significant material that's missing -- and I aim at creating the most authoritative collection on that niche: most of what I post is not available anywhere else (on the web, or even in most very large libraries) And even for the overlapping material, I provide some unique background context -- if I can't do that, I don't waste my time: I just go on to the next neglected niche.

There's nothing unique in that APPROACH, of course: a few weeks ago, there was an interesting post from a webmaster in another forum saying something like, "I just noticed a page of my site is listed in the Open Directory, less than a month after I posted it. I didn't submit it, I didn't even think about the ODP: I just <emphasis added>put the information out for my visitors, because it wasn't available on the web</emphasis>

Do you see the pattern? (1) Focus; (2) Significant unique content; (3) Authoritativeness.

That's what editors are looking for; that's what we value.
These things may be of no interest whatsoever to you. That's fine, of course: your interests are just that: YOUR interests, that's the whole point. But if that is not what you want to do with your website, then submitting it twice is just wasting twice as much time (for all of us). And if that is what you want to do with your website, then there's no need to ask us for permission. It's YOUR website, the whole point of it is that you do with it whatever you want.


Oct 18, 2004
bobrat said:
That requires someone review your site - which is like asking for priority service.

Bobrat..I am sorry I did not mean for a priority service.I did not know that the same editors run this forum too.I assumed that members here were mostly people who were just interested in ODP and already had many of their sites listed.
and thats why I wanted to ask certain suggestions as to how to include my site..



Oct 18, 2004
hutcheson said:
I am very interested in making more lyrics visible on the internet: and I think I've made a significant contribution in that area. Here's how I do it.

First I look around for what is available, using Google searches and reviews of known authoritative sites. I try to figure out the most significant material that's missing -- and I aim at creating the most authoritative collection on that niche: most of what I post is not available anywhere else (on the web, or even in most very large libraries) And even for the overlapping material, I provide some unique background context -- if I can't do that, I don't waste my time: I just go on to the next neglected niche.

There's nothing unique in that APPROACH, of course: a few weeks ago, there was an interesting post from a webmaster in another forum saying something like, "I just noticed a page of my site is listed in the Open Directory, less than a month after I posted it. I didn't submit it, I didn't even think about the ODP: I just <emphasis added>put the information out for my visitors, because it wasn't available on the web</emphasis>

Do you see the pattern? (1) Focus; (2) Significant unique content; (3) Authoritativeness.

That's what editors are looking for; that's what we value.
These things may be of no interest whatsoever to you. That's fine, of course: your interests are just that: YOUR interests, that's the whole point. But if that is not what you want to do with your website, then submitting it twice is just wasting twice as much time (for all of us). And if that is what you want to do with your website, then there's no need to ask us for permission. It's YOUR website, the whole point of it is that you do with it whatever you want.

My gawd sir,
You have awesome writing capabilities.

I will try to find those niche areas and concentrate on finding rare lyrics. I have been focussed the last few months and have added some bands that arent showcased properly on the internet. The reason why i get flustered is because I was able to contact certain alernative bands and acquire their lyrics.Infact when I published the page there were not more than a handful of sites that had the content. Now after a few days of ranking high on the S.E's , other lyrics sites just copied the unique content (like I have done too..I am being honest) and published them. more websites copy contet frm these sites and this cycle continues. Since most of theses sites have high PR (based on their inclusion in dmoz, they tend to get most of the traffic..my english is not that good..I hope you understand my predicament.

Another reason was that my classmate at school who started a similar website, (on lyrics,at the same time) but with a better design but very less lyrics and she got added before 6 months. Thats why I was surprised and wanted to enquire here as to whether site design also plays a role in inclusion.

does termsofuse,color,contact us play an important rule in site acceptance..

Thanks for your very descriptive reply..I hope I could write like you


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
No, the factors you mention don't play any role at all in site acceptance.

The most important factor is random -- as you surely know, there are very many lyrics sites. Which one will be reviewed first?

The second factor is site navigation. If an editor can find what is unique, and differentiate it from what has been copied -- then the site will be judged and described based on its unique content. If not, then random chance may again determine whether the editor finds ANY unique content.

As for lyrics sites copying from each other: I've encouraged exchange of content where two sites' focus significantly overlaps. Now, if sites do that perfectly, then we only need to list one site, and that's better for us and our users. But if we can see a pattern of adding unique content to another site (even if that content soon ceases to be unique), then I the site might still be worth listing.


May 26, 2002
>> does termsofuse, color, contact us play an important rule in site acceptance...

No. Not really. Those are the things that keep your visitor on the site - or drive them away after one click - once you get people arriving.

The actual information or lack of it is what determines a listing, or not.


Oct 18, 2004
Thank you for all your suggestions..esp Mr.hutcheson,Mr.giz and Mr.Bob

I will try to add certain unique content from now onwards and maybe apply for a listing after six months. I dont remember when I last applied for a listing. If it isnt too much of a hassle may i ask when I last submitted my site so that I can resubmit six months after last submit. (Mr.hutcheson..I remember your advice and I will change the focus of my site accordingly and try not to waste the editors time).

Mr.Bob..I also checked your site and it was awesome..(the one in ur sig..) and Ill try to heed the methodology proscribed there.

if any of you guys have some spare time, could you also please suggest what changes I should make to my site,not in the capacity of a ODP person but as a third person.

Thank you all for your time and wish you all the best


Dec 22, 2004
Off Topic:
This message you have on your site:

"Please take just a moment to click on the advertisements and support the web site ..Thanks"

is against Google Adsense TOS. You'd better remove it before Google see it.
Good luck with your site.


Oct 18, 2004
OMG..is it...Okay Lemme change that!!!I anyways dont make any money..no need to get banned from adsense...:)).

Thnx for letting me know..I never read the terms of service.hehehe....


Oct 18, 2004
I also have a question for the moderators..

how do you feel my english is..is it decent enough.Also in what aspect do you think I should improve?

I know its out of the place..but since I already recieved a ton of criticism for my site..I also thought you guys could provide some fair critisicm with regard to my english...Thnx ..I mean please dont consider this an affront i know you guys are very busy. I would welcome advice if you have the time,



May 26, 2002
There are several webdesign forums that offer website review services: they'll critique your content, your HTML code, your layout, your metadata, your graphics, your spelling and punctuation, your colour scheme, your attempts as SEO, or whatever you want reviewed. Can I suggest persuing that?


Oct 18, 2004
Noo sir, I meant my english here..In my posts..Not the website

I felt soo jealous when I contrasted my initial post and mr Hutcheson's response and I just wanted to inquire as to how you guys felt about my post..hehehe

so i can take it from my last post that my english is crappy as it did not convey the right information for you to judge what I actually meant.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I wouldn't worry about it too much. Just keep sentences simple -- most people like things better that way anyway. And use spellcheck (ore yew cant know no watt ewe mite half mist). People are coming to the site for the lyrics, not your deathless prose. So long as it's easy to get to what they want, they'll be happy.


May 26, 2002
My answer was in response to:

if any of you guys have some spare time, could you also please suggest what changes I should make to my site,not in the capacity of a ODP person but as a third person. :)


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
All it means is some editor accessed the site. You'll see it if it's been added, our logs will tell if it's been rejected (but we don't tell you that anymore), and the other possibility is that nothing happened.

Stick with the traditional fortune-telling techniques: goose livers, tea leaves, psychotropic drugs. Server logs are WAY overrated.


Oct 18, 2004
Thank you all,
I am finally in the directory.I will follow the guidance given by the mods and volunteers to add more unique content to my site..

thanks alot for your help..its 4.40 am :confused: ..I am gonna go sleep now..
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