help! cant get my site listed been 2 years


Jun 27, 2007
I have submitted my site several times and cant get listed, all the contents (photos and text) is written by us,also in 2 languages nothing has been taking from other sites.

I first submitted the site 2 years ago, and remember maybe 3 times after but no luck.

Please can anyone help me with this, i dont know what else i can do.

I dont want to abuse this site by putting my link.. i would be happy to let you know what site it is.

Kindest regards,



Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
Unfortunately we do not discuss specific site suggestions on this forum, so thank you for not posting the URL. In general, the most common reason a listable site is not added to the directory is that no one has reviewed the suggestion yet. In this case there isn't going to be a whole lot that can be done to help the review process, beyond an interested editor deciding to work on the category. There are a couple of things that *may* help:
  • Before submitting, be sure to suggest the site once to the single best category.
  • Make sure to check the Guidelines to verify the site is listable.
  • Double check the category charter to insure there is not a better fit for the site.
  • Stop the repeated suggestions. They only act to slow the process down and in extreme cases could result in being labled spam-Not good.
  • Make sure that the site continues to be maintained, by adding additional unique content and keeping the links current and working.

Hope that helps.


Jun 27, 2007
Hi Shadow,

Thanks for your advice, I will try to see if this work for me.

I have contact from several sites in the category I am interested in getting listed and who are having the same problems trying to get listed on DMOZ.

A person called **** who is the editor of this category and the owner/boss of the top-ranked website in that category. Is causing alot of problems for his competition trying to get submitted.

Is there anyone i can speak to or get some advice on this issue. I can imagine it is not isolated to just this category.

Kindest regards,



Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
If you have evidence that an editor is abusing his position, provide the evidence in an abuse report here: . Not adding sites to a category is not in itself abuse though. FTR, DMOZ does not rank sites, however in some cases certain official sites may be 'starred' (we call it cooling) for their content on the category subject.
PM the category in question to me if you like, I can look to see if any abuse is occurring. I will not however edit the category or look at a particular site suggestion.


Jun 27, 2007
Thanks shadow,

I will get this information for you. I don’t expect any help from anyone to get my site listed in DMOZ, this process should be fair. That’s all I ask for.

I meant by ranking in this category, actually the Google ranking, as Google uses DMOZ for their ranking process.

Thanks again for your time,

Kindest regards,


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
as Google uses DMOZ for their ranking process.
My understanding is that the ODP gets no special treatment in the google ranking system. Links are counted in the usual way, though may well receive a higher weighting (along with .edu and etc) as a trusted authority site.


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
vanceibz said:
I will get this information for you. I don’t expect any help from anyone to get my site listed in DMOZ, this process should be fair. That’s all I ask for.
Once we have the information in an abuse report, we can have our specialist investigators look into the situation and if abuse is found it will be dealt with appropriately. We work very hard to prevent abuse, when its discovered to have occurred its dealt with swiftly and firmly.


Jan 23, 2003
One thing you said intrigued me:

owner/boss of the top-ranked website in that category

Since we do not rank websites, it is impossible for an editor to be the owner/boss of one. Similarly, editors have no control over the order in which sites appear on the production servers.

Are you perhaps thinking of something else?

Remember, it is not an ethics violation for an editor to have a webiete in a category that he or she edits. It is also important to remember that no editor owns or controls a category. Being a named editor in a given category is simply that. There is no ownership or control involved. More than 200 editors can edit in any given category.

So, for example, if you were the named editor of Food/Green/Artichokes there are more than 200 editors who can add, delete, and modify listings in that category and they would not need your permission to do so.

Hope this helps clarify things.


Jun 27, 2007
Being an editor in a category, by my understanding he / she can edit that category, the person doesn’t have to own the category to make a positive or negative effect to the categories listing. If for example they are very few editors available and being that maybe he is the only one, would it be possible to think that he manages that category (correct me please if I’m wrong..).

At the same time this person has a website in that category, I am of course referring to a very competitive one. is it possible to check that this person actually does manage this category?

Shadow can I post the category in question? it would be helpful that other editors check it for us. This would be very appreciated.

Kind regards,



Jan 23, 2003
Being an editor in a category, by my understanding he / she can edit that category, the person doesn’t have to own the category to make a positive or negative effect to the categories listing. If for example they are very few editors available and being that maybe he is the only one, would it be possible to think that he manages that category (correct me please if I’m wrong..).

Slightly wrong, but by a matter of degrees.

No one owns a category. It is as simple as that. A given editor may make the majority of his/her edits in a single category, but there is now ownership or management involved.

Case in point; I am one of the named editors in Regional/North_America/United_States.

That simple means that I can edit in that category or in any of the thousands of subcategories directly below that. There are some state categories where I have never edited, and some state categories were I extensively edit. Yet, in every single category where I can edit, there are other editors who can also edit, and every one of my editing decisions is subject to peer review.

That is the thing to remember, especially with so-called "popular" categories. The permissions represent a tree and as one moves higher and higher in the tree, the *less* likely it is that a given editor is solely focused on the category where they may have a site.

Some editors (myself included) also keep their names on categories where they have a particular interest (even a sentimental one) even though they may have permissions in a higher category that includes that one. Some do it because it may have been their first category, or because (do to navigation issues) they want to be able to quickly pop in there. Still, no onwership or management is implied -- and this is often the source of the misunderstanding that because Joe is the named editor for a given category no one else can be named. Many, many categories have multiple editors named.

can I post the category in question

We prefer to keep the forum postings generic.


Nov 7, 2006
spectregunner is totally correct. I also edit at the United States level, and everything beneath it. In fact, if I remember right, spectregunner and I were editing the same site once, at the same time and he beat me to it by one second, :D, I couldn't figure out where the heck the site I was editing went.

He's also correct about keeping certain categories on your editing dash. Though I can edit in all 50 states, I keep NYS, Idaho, Missouri, and Utah on my dash just to keep an eye on them, to pop over to them quickly, and because they didn't have a named resident state level editor in three of them (for other editors in the state to contact for help).


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
vanceibz said:
Shadow can I post the category in question? it would be helpful that other editors check it for us. This would be very appreciated.
What gunner said is correct, especially if there is a specific editor named on it. We do not want to discuss any potential abuse publically. This is to protect the investigation, the reporter, and the editor from being falsely accused. Either send me the category information along with the other information or file an abuse report (or both) and the appropriate investigators will have access to the information. Those who will be investigating the abuse are the only ones that need to know the category and/or potential editors involved.


Nov 7, 2006
I don't need to know, I trust our metas implicitly, and you can trust them too, :). They'll take care of it, if there's any abuse.
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