HELP ! I have been suggesting my company site for 10 years now !


New Member
Nov 7, 2011
Can anybody PLEASE help me ? I have be "suggesting" my company's website for inclusion in DMOZ approximately once, sometimes twice a year for 10 years now !
It is a television production company based in Paris, France, our professional territory is basically all of Europe and Africa. It is not an adult site, and we have been attempting to add it to the category :

This all seems perfectly straight forward, but mysteriously we are still nowhere to be found in DMOZ ! Can anybody tell me what the problem is here ? I do not believe possible that there has not been an editor for this category for TEN years. We would greatly appreciate any and all help here !

The site in question is <url removed> and I would be very happy to receive any replies directly to my e-mail address : <email removed>
THANK YOU all in advance.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
We do not discuss individual websites so these answers are common answers which could apply to all websites.

If a website has been suggested several times over 10 years it could still happen that it was never reviewed. But I must agree that this is not very probable.
If it is reviewed there are two options. Either the site was listable but not in this category, it will have been moved to a bettter category and it could have been listed there or it is still waiting review in that other category. The other option is that the website was not listable when reviewed.
Nov 29, 2011
Ten years here too. It's in this category. It shouldn't take 10 years to be considered. Our site is just a jewelry store, nothing controversial. We are all over the internet except at DMOZ. I have even offered to volunteer, but I never heard back. Any suggestions?
Nov 29, 2011
Also, at the bottom of the category page, it says the last update was in July of 2010. There is no "become an editor" link at the top of the page. So if there is already an editor, they aren't doing a very good job of updating.


Curlie Meta
Aug 19, 2003
ODP does not list all sites as described in the About-section:
We care a great deal about the quality of the ODP. We aren't a search engine and pride ourselves on being highly selective. We don't accept all sites, so please don't take it personally should your site not be accepted. Our goal is to make the directory as useful as possible for our users, not to have the directory include all (or even most) of the sites that could possibly be listed or serve as a promotional tool for the entities listed.

It is not necessary to suggest a site several times.
We do not disclose if a suggested site is reviewed or pending evaluation.

Editor applications are always answered, even if not accepted.
The date on category pages are not correct at the moment, the category has been updated this year.
The "become an editor"-link is now displayed, that was an error which now has been fixed. ;-)
Some editors put more time on keeping a category up to date than others, but that is really not a problem.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
The "become an editor"-link is now displayed, that was an error which now has been fixed. ;-)
Which does not mean that editors will be accepted for this category.
With 145 current listings it is bigger as we normaly accept new editors for.
A new editor should select a category that is both not to small (as there won't be enough work to learn how DMOZ works) and not to big (it will be to overwelming for a new editor and there is to great a risk that the new editor might do harm)
The max we often advise is 70 to 80 with an upperlimit of 100. (this is not a rule written in stone and some meta's might use other numbers depending on the type of category).


New Member
Dec 6, 2011
I'm a rookie since I've only been trying for 6 years lol. What I find more frustrating is seeing the catorory I've tried to submit to accept sites that are nothing but videos and affiliate links with very little real content. I just recently checked and a site that was created in April 2010 was accepted and is mostly affiliate sales videos? Yes my site also has some affiliate offers but nothing to drastic and in addition has 19 pages of content indexted in Google and still I cant get listed in DEMOZ. I've managed to get my site to 1st page Google rankings for many of my keywords so I must be doing something right. Just smells fishy to me when talk talk talk about quality and I see fluffy 3 page video sites get accepted.

Fwew feels good to vent.

Good luck all


Dec 9, 2011
i have the same problem. i have tried tu submit my website 3 years ago and waited patiently till this year for my site to be listed or at least waited for a response about my submission. This year i tried to submit two times and still didn't hear any response from dmoz nor saw my site on the directory. We are a water pump manufacturing company that works worldwide so i was trying to submit to the category: Industrial Goods and Services: Fluid Handling: Pumps : Water and Wastewater, which should be the right category so I think that i am doing nothing wrong. I need help to solve my problem and get listed hopefully this season.


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Sep 15, 2004
@JimmyWilliams - We have a quality control thread where you can post the category and the URL's concerned, and someone will check.
@deeplay - We don't give responses for sites, so not hearing anything about a site suggestion is normal.

The most likely reason that neither site is listed is that no editor has reviewed it yet. As editing is a hobby activity, editors tend to do what they want, when they want; the only lower limit is to add at least one site a quarter to avoid the account timing out, but obviously we prefer more.
If either of you feel you could do more than just listing your site, why not apply to be an editor?


Dec 9, 2011
@Elper - I considered becoming an editor too but there isn't any "become an editor" button on the "Industrial Goods and Services: Fluid Handling: Pumps : Water and Wastewater" section.
If there was such a link then i would have became an editor long time ago.

What should i do to see my website on dmoz?

Thanks for your responses.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
If there was such a link then i would have became an editor long time ago.
Business/Industrial_Goods_and_Services/Fluid_Handling/Pumps/Water_and_Wastewater has no 'become an editor' link because it's too large for a new editor. If you still want to become an editor, select a different category of 15-100 listings.

What should i do to see my website on dmoz?
If you haven't already done so, suggest your website, just once, to what you think is the one most appropriate category. That's it: You need do nothing more.


Dec 9, 2011
@jimnoble - 'Business/Industrial_Goods_and_Services/Fluid_Handling/Pumps/Water_and_Wastewater' is the category that i want to submit my website because thats %100 the most appropriate category for my company to be listed. Can i become an editor for a different category but still put my company listing under this water and wastewater category?

You say that all i need to do is submit my site once but thats what i have been trying to do for years as i explained before.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Can i become an editor for a different category but still put my company listing under this water and wastewater category?
Nope. You can only edit in categories where you have editing permissions.

You say that all i need to do is submit my site once but thats what i have been trying to do for years as i explained before.

Some volunteer will process your listing suggestion in time but we can't predict who or when that might be. Elapsed times can range from a few days to a few years. There is no need to re-suggest your website and doing so could be counter-productive because a later suggestion overwrites any earlier one.
Nov 29, 2011
I hate to bump up an old thread, but now it is 12 years that I have been waiting. I just submitted it again. I am not submitting often. Two years ago was the last time I did. There was a "become an editor" link but when I clicked on it, it said that it was disabled for the category. My category is jewelry, precious metals. There are other jewelry stores listed in that section. My store is <url removed> Can someone check and see why it's not going in? If they don't have an editor for the category, I will do it.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
In those 2 years the answers haven't changed

- there is no need to suggest a website again
- if it is not listed it is either still waiting review or it is rejected
- we do not provide a service to check suggestions
- we do not accept urls to be posted in this forum (except in the quality control section for purposes related to that section)


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England

I understand your frustration but our objectives probably aren't aligned with yours. Let me try and explain.

Shopping/Jewelry/Precious_Metals has a very large pool of websites awaiting evaluation and much of it is spam. For this reason, it's unsuitable for beginners - which is why applications to become an editor there are disabled. For the same reasons, it's not a fun place to edit either and so it attracts little editorial attention. Don't forget that editing is supposed to be a pleasurable and satisfying hobby :).

Our focus is on providing useful information to surfers, not providing a service to website owners. The category currently has 129 listings and so the surfer is already spoiled for choice.

There's a belief out there that a DMOZ listing is the key to a high SERP position and it might even have been true last century. We don't believe it to be true today. In any event, SEO is the very antithesis of what we're about and so we pay it no regard.

My best advice to do is to concentrate your efforts on other means of website promotion. If a DMOZ listing is ever going to happen for you, it'll happen when it happens. Oh, and stop re-suggesting it; all that achieves is to push it to the bottom of a date sorted pool.

<added> ... and stop suggesting it to multiple categories. Instead, take the trouble to read our submission guidelines (which you acknowledged on each occasion). It prohibits multiple submissions of a website to the same or multiple categories. </added>
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.