Help- inclusion problem


Aug 24, 2005
banned or inclusion problem?

hi there, can anyone hlp me please..
i submitted a site once (badly-i think) because an editor contacted me and gave quite a sarcastic reply to my submission. I replied quite angrily about the sarcasm used at the time, (mistake- i was niave). Needless to say the site has never appeared on the direcotry in over a year even though i submitted it again correctly. Also my other site whihc was listed got dropped from the directory and my new site (recent) has not been listed either.
Can any one help? I did not realise the importance at the time but feel like all my sites have been punished. Can an editor ban all my sites?


Jan 23, 2003

Well, actually yes, but it takes a signifiant abount of willful abuse,and even then it is a concensus effort, so for all practical purposes, the answer is no.

without getting into a he said/I said kind of thing, what was the issue with your site? Did the editor give you any meaningful clues, or was it a case of "you're ugly and your mother dresses you funny?" What did you take away from the discussion (other than a low opinion of the editor -- gosh I hope it wasn't me), and what did you do (after you stopped cursing)? We won't get into the specifics of your site, but perhaps there is some general guidance we can provide.


Aug 24, 2005
banned or inclusion problem reply

Ah a sense of humour. I am not ugly just faciallly challenged! Any way I submitted a mortgage site inot mortgages catorgory but the point made i was trying to climb to the top of the list and should only submit to the local area were the company was based and not the main mortgages section.
I didnt even know the ODP had a "top of the list" part like a search engine. But when I resubmitted 2-3 months later nothing happened also my other website e-business engineers got dropped and all the sites I have submitted since dont get included?


Jan 23, 2003
Here is what I suspect happened.

You very possibly submitted to the highest level of either the topical or regional category, which is not correct, but not an offense that demands the death penalty.

Resubmit your site (once) to the appropraite subcategory in Regional/ under the locality where your office is located. Be sure your office address is on the site.

So, if you were located in Chander, Arizona, you'd submit to
North America/...

If you had two offices, in different localities, you would go as deep as you can in Regional/ to find the area that best embraces where you are physically located.

But, you might be shouting, we serve all of East Timbuktoo. Our response is that we are happy for you, and wish you great wealth and prosperity, but we do regional listings based upon where you are located, not upon where you serve.

As far as your other sites, the possibilities are endless. I am presuming, though, that your other sites are on different topics other than financial, because if they are financial, then we would very possibly look at them as fraternal mirros (or kissing cousins) and would decide to only list one. If, however one of your three sites is about mortgages, the second is about densistry, and the third about the sport your Europeans mistakenly call football, then you are OK.

Give me an idea as to the topic of the other three sites and I'll give you a sanity check.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>Also my other site whihc was listed got dropped from the directory and my new site (recent) has not been listed either.

This statement stands up shouting "spam, spam, spam!" We'd like to list a business once, no matter how many different domain names it spreads its content over. Any other practice would leave us susceptible to mass manipulation by spammers. If you have three sites, or three thousand sites, link to them all from your one main site. Submit the main site and none of the others--that's according to the submittal policy (which says submitting "related sites" WILL get you banned!).


Aug 24, 2005
Thanks for your replies; you have restored faith in a DMOZ desperado. I am glad that the editors of DMOZ are interested in the prosperity of our websites and "Football" (which is the way its meant to be played by the way).

I do not want a status check by the way, but to answer your questions (spectregunner) about the other sites:

Site 1. Mortgages
Site 2. Web Design
Site 3. Bed and Breakfasts

There is no spam as they are different sites and all with high page rank (Google) and top Ranking on search most of the search engines already. My web design site is in the No1 0r 2 spot on Goggle for the search phrase "Corporate Website Designers".

The problem is I think I have misunderstood the submission process for DMOZ, I have no interest in being top of any category within DMOZ, its good enough just to be listed.

But my web design site was listed with you and now its not?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
You really need to reconsider the "spam" issue. I'm astonished that ANYONE could think high page rank precludes spam: have you NEVER looked at Google search results at all?

And it is conceivably possible, but MOST unusual -- I'd venture to say, too unusual to have occurred yet in this millenium -- for any person to be genuinely engaged in all the businesses you mention, except in the capacity of doorway/ad banner farm spammer.


Aug 4, 2005
I could maybe see freelance web design with either of the other options, but not all three at the same time... at least not at the same time and doing your customer any justice.


Aug 24, 2005

I see Hutchinson is stuck on spam! I don’t know maybe you have had spam abuse or something when you were younger..

I don’t do doorway pages or spam! I own a web designing company and we develop lots of websites that all get submitted to S.E.s. If it wasn’t for guidelines I would gladly list the sites I have mentioned. My company also deals with intranets/extranets etc etc.

I have actually spoken to the editor concerned via e-mial today and had my questions answered, very nicely I might add.


Jan 4, 2005
See also the mod and comments here

There is also somewhat the same discussion.
And the same mod.

We have also a discussion going with some sites of ourselves. ( yes we have also some other kissing cousins, but not complaining about that)

A kind of main site could be in Holland but should be very hard to let people understand that this should be the landing page if they are looking for warmup handwarmers. for myachi or for powerball and so on.

Normaly they look for the url with that brand / productname in it.
Also for b2b and custommers is the extra indept info for that products important. So the landing page should be that one, it is in almost every se, that the product/brand sites are for the main/ corperate site in results.
So why not DMOZ, and why DMOZ with large brands as Cnn ( 10000 results), siemens, philips and so on does it and with some smaller also ( you can also reach every page from these companys through there mainsite or searching and so on)

And if there unique extra deeplinks with for example legal info lawsuites and so on. Could be an interesting item for itself. ( it is with news from cnn so why not with unique news in that particular branche? )
If searching the cnn site you can find the newsitems but also in SE and in Dmoz, thats OK there are SE's for but why not with others in DMOZ.
If corporate sites should be the main site and this only should be in the DMOZ dir, you can gues that almost all people are searching for more specific subjects then a corporate name / site. They can find these easy. But the items they are really looking for harder, so why not have the specials sites /urls made for that items in SE DMOZ.

If surfing and searching that is what people want!!! Lookup the keywords people using and that proves this statement.

I like it when i'm searching in a SE that when i lookup some software from a brand x that the SE is taking me to that software url and not to that company with another brand/company name, that has this software in his program and own the software url to.
Than you have to search again on his site and so on. Why doing difficult as it could be easy????

That is what DMOZ rules are saying is alowed, but....

And then if there are more company adresses in other country's with that url and languages DMOZ is adding them.
But also that is depending wich moderator and so on..

These things are not OK. That for almost the same isues different decissions are made depending on wich moderator, and sometimes how big the company's are!


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I'm continually astonished how many single people, with no reputation in the real world, think they can go online and suddenly acquire a reputation that a multi-million dollar, multi-thousand-employee company took a generation to grow.

And, in any case, the CNN listings were added in the very early days of the ODP; in THIS millenium we're much more likely to remove many of those, than to deeplink other sites in the same way.


Jan 4, 2005
multi watte?

hutcheson said:
I'm continually astonished how many single people, with no reputation in the real world, think they can go online and suddenly acquire a reputation that a multi-million dollar, multi-thousand-employee company took a generation to grow.

And, in any case, the CNN listings were added in the very early days of the ODP; in THIS millenium we're much more likely to remove many of those, than to deeplink other sites in the same way.

Thanks .
But don't read this all as for our sites. ( just a little example)
But expand the discussion as i do, what do people in the real world want when they search on internet?

And answer that questions out of this viewingpoint?

1)Yes no spam
2)As quick as possible the url 's they are looking for.
3)Not to have to search within these urls, for other domains or stuff, no if possible 1 click away from what they looking for.

Then you see the real problem, also the bigger companys and so on.
If people surfing on the net have to visit more pages, so more advertising is done!!! ( And therefore real money also for SE's and so on)
I think this is the reason that it would be harder to find in just 1 click the URL you're looking for ?

Just an opinion of a multi.....


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
johnnieok said:
3)Not to have to search within these urls, for other domains or stuff, no if possible 1 click away from what they looking for.
If you think this to be true wouldn't it be wise to combine all of your content on one domain instead of spreading it around over a number of domains. Take a look at your own sites. Visitor comes to domain-1 and is send to domain-2 if he wants to buy your goods. You also have domain-3 and domain-4 both for different products and they also send your visitors to domain-2. For DMOZ and your visitors domain-1 3 and 4 have now value.


Jan 4, 2005
Through if but!

pvgool said:
If you think this to be true wouldn't it be wise to combine all of your content on one domain instead of spreading it around over a number of domains. Take a look at your own sites. Visitor comes to domain-1 and is send to domain-2 if he wants to buy your goods. You also have domain-3 and domain-4 both for different products and they also send your visitors to domain-2. For DMOZ and your visitors domain-1 3 and 4 have now value.

He Paul.
Through if they want to buy, there is only one place yes. ( also the main reason why the word shop is in the url for that)

I also write that this is a kind of almost perfect situation. ( that visitors want)

And not al our visitors want to buy, so these need another landingpage with the product info.
They can read about it, click and buy but also spread some message, you can find that and that info there. ( or looking for a specific FAQ and so on)
( yes we have coussins that looks and have somewhat the same content with a little extra i'm not complaining for that )
Domain urls with the product/ brandname in it are therefore most common people will visit and expect the info is there.

And this is Commmon on the Internet for siteowners as visitors so why would we behave different! ( to make it more complex noway!)

So then if you have more different brands / products
We go again people need different urls because of the logic of the url names only.
And want to be/find these as quick as possible for the easyness only the url name is more important then f.a. DMOZ.

People remember productnames, and therefor looking for the url's you know!

Ok if everything has 1 brandname then you are right!
Or if we only need visitors buying yes possible also.

Hope you will all see the importance and simplicity in/from this.

If you're a big welknown company yes they know you and also the products and people looking for it does it normally through the mainsite if not searching in SE because they can type and read the brandname and therefore the url.

If brands and or company are not that famous people use SE's to find, they first click on url names that looks like what they are searching.

And so on and so .

Why i have to explain this again , i don't know, ( but i try) because al these info is also on seo and other marketing sites please choose the url that has the product/brand name in the first level tld.

So if you have more products/brands therefore more specific urls and so on.

That is what people searching expect and normally what they should get when searching the web for them.

But i'm repeating a lot so.



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
This really isn't the place to discuss what people are searching for, or how they should do it. The ODP policy about "single-brand" shopping sites is simple and fixed. We don't list them. As your research will have revealed, even companies like CNN and Ford Motor Company do not get multiple Shopping listings (and very few multiple listings even in Business!)

That won't change, and if it DID change, the editors will all have to spend a couple of decades deeplinking Amazon and Walmart, to be less unfair to the big companies who have been so horribly and unfairly under-represented so far. And we really have better things to do than that.

So we don't list those URLs (whether or not they are on separate domains, is an insignificant technical site-maintenance decision -- it has nothing to do with us.)

For that matter, how you want people to find the site has nothing to do with us either.

There's no point in quibbling about whether the sites are "fraternal twins" or only "incestuous cousins". They are "RELATED" sites in either case. And since we're all agreed on that, I suggest you read what will happen to you if you suggest "related" sites to the ODP -- it is explicitly spelled out in the submittal policies.


Jan 4, 2005
Thats a "pitty"

Yes that discussion, should make it more to the real point out of the view people are searching.

I am already not asking to include and so on, i give up, help!
I didn't ask for multiple shops by the way.

I like to discuss the need of people searching without to mention the topic off our sites ofcourse. ( because that is already done i know)

But alright if that is it then it is!

The other thing the need off people searching, some other time and maybe some other place to.

Have an nice evening.


Jan 23, 2003
Getting back to paulgg:

Site 1. Mortgages
Site 2. Web Design
Site 3. Bed and Breakfasts

On the surface, those three topic areas appear to be sufficiently far apart and unrelated that you could, conceivably, submit all three and have all three listed.

As I mentioned before, the mortgage sites would get submitted to the single best locality, within Regional/ based on the physical office location. Now, if it is in the UK, you may be able/allowed to submit twice, but I am not totally clear on the UK rules and will trust that a UK editor will jump in to either clarify or slap me silly.

Web Design (everyone and their grandmother has a web design website) can be submitted into the appropriate topical category -- be prepared for what could potentially be a very long wait, so submit it and forget it. If your web design business has physical office (that is not shared by the morgage company and is not in one of the B&B units) then you can likely submit that ALSO to the single best subcategory within the locality where the office is physically located. That UK thingy comes into play again, so if you hear a loud "thwap" sound, forget I metioned it. :D

B&B. Submit once to the best subcategory based upon the physical location.

Again, all of this advice is general, not specific, but it should give you some direction.


Mar 8, 2004
spectregunner said:
Web Design (everyone and their grandmother has a web design website) can be submitted into the appropriate topical category -- be prepared for what could potentially be a very long wait, so submit it and forget it. If your web design business has physical office (that is not shared by the morgage company and is not in one of the B&B units) then you can likely submit that ALSO to the single best subcategory within the locality where the office is physically located.
YMMV, but I might accept the web design business in Regional even if it shares a physical office (where you meet customers) with the mortgage business or the B&B.

(No comment on UK listings; I'm not good at that, either.)
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