Help me choose my submission category!


Sep 18, 2008
Hi there,

I'm a webmaster of near six years and in that time I have never once managed to get a site listed in DMOZ.

So I had a stroke of geneus! :) I figured rather than creating another post "why is my site not listed", I would ask for your opinions on my submission methods.

My first subbmision:
<URL deleted>
<URL deleted>
around 6 month ago

My last subbmision:
<URL deleted>
<URL deleted>

I swi9tched category as i figured it would get indexxed faster, So in your opinion is my category the right category, which category would you have selected?

Much thanks for any help or suggestions,


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Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
OK, first of all, it's important to remember that site suggestions don't get sites listed.

What gets sites listed is ... the presence, ON THE SITE, of unique information that interests some volunteer editor.

So, stop worrying about your suggestions for a moment. You've suggested the site twice: anything beyond that stops being helpful and begins to be harassment.

Now think about your site. Is it really on a subject that's not well represented on the web? Does it obviously represent an obviously unique approach to that subject?

If the answer to either of those questions is "no", then there's no problem with the ODP. After all, it's only fair for sites that are more interesting to other people get priority.

But there are things that you can do to focus a business site. You may be only one of a zillion plumbers worldwide, but there may be only 4 plumbers in your hometown. By making it clear on your website that you are a local plumber, and your travel rates for local services will be much lower than any of those guys on other continents, you've made your site much more interesting for people in your hometown.

And the ODP has local business categories--it is worth your time to suggest it to the local category. Because suggesting a site to the right category may not get it listed, but it does get it FOUND more quickly. (And no site is listed without being found first.)
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