Help me choose right category


Aug 30, 2008
Would you guys help me choose right category for my site?

I've developed a web site which, in my opinion, doesn't truly fit any of DMOZ categories. The site follows a rather recent, but very popular, trend in streaming music by creating custom user playlists.

My closest competitor is <url removed> (alexa rank 360, more than 9 million visitors per month), which is not listed in DMOZ either. Basically the usage scenario for this site is this:
- user visits the site, searches for music (something like "When I Grow Up by The Pussycat Dolls")
- several streamable tracks are presented for this song
- user selects the track with the best quality of sound and adds it to her playlist
- user repeats previous steps till she assembles a playlist to her liking, and then saves it to either listen to it later, or to embed the playlist onto her blog, MySpace, Facebook, etc

What directory I should submit my site to? Another close competitor,, is listed in /Arts/Radio/Internet/Music/. This might be a close match, but I still think that my site is not an internet radio. Radio stations normally don't allow stream music on demand.

Any ideas?


Apr 5, 2004
Hello hostorama
When a volunteer editor reviews your suggestion, if they decide it should be listed, they will determine the most appropriate placement for it. So you do not need to worry too much about finding exactly the right category. Just choose the one which you think is most suitable, suggest your site there, and leave the rest to the editors who know the area. :)


Aug 30, 2008

Thanks for your comment! It makes sense, but I've read so much how it's so important to suggest the site to the right category, that I was a bit hesitant to suggest it at all.

Anyway, I just re-submitted the site to /Arts/Radio/Internet/Music/. Care to take a quick look?


Apr 5, 2004
hostorama said:
I've read so much how it's so important to suggest the site to the right category
I don't think that is the message anyone is trying to give. Many hundreds of sites (including suggested ones) are moved every day by volunteers, so it's not a big deal.
It obviously makes sense to try and find the single most appropriate category for your suggestion, as advised by the guidelines, but it's certainly not the most important factor in determining when or if a site will be reviewed or listed. :)


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
hostorama said:
but I've read so much how it's so important to suggest the site to the right category, that I was a bit hesitant to suggest it at all.

Suggesting a site to a category that is close to the "best" one won't have much influence on the review process.
Suggesting a site to a category that is miles of the subject of your site can have a major impact. If you f.i would suggest your site to a Football category, which is clearly not the best, the site must be moved by an editor. This move might not be to the best but just close to it and you will have to go through the review process several times. Which ofcourse would take a lot of time.

So yes. Suggesting to the best category is important, but being close to it is no problem.

I don't think that is the message anyone is trying to give.
I know many editors have been giving that message. Here and on other forums.


Apr 5, 2004
pvgool said:
know many editors have been giving that message. Here and on other forums.
Well, I guess it can be read in different ways. I was commenting on hostorama's apparent impression that it was "so important" to choose exactly the right category, whereas, as pvgool points out, getting close enough is fine, as long as some attempt is made. :)

Overall, I think that what editors and others try to remind people is exactly what the guidelines say:
Identify the single best category for your site. The Open Directory has an enormous array of subjects to choose from. You should submit a site to the single most relevant category.
But that is simply Step Three. In my experience, those suggesting sites would be well advised to spend longer on Step One. ;)


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
makrhod said:
In my experience, those suggesting sites would be well advised to spend longer on Step One. ;)

I totaly agree.

For those that did not read our guidelines (and there must be lot of people who do not read them, why else would we have to reject so many sites :D )
Step One
Determine whether a site is appropriate for submission to the ODP:
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.