Help submitting two sites *DELETED*


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Re: Help submitting two sites

Yes, you are doing many things wrong.

Reading the ODP submittal policies will tell you the wrong things you are doing with your submittals.

Reading this forum's policies will tell you the wrong thing you are doing with this query.

I don't know whether you are not reading them, or not following them, but ... read and follow!

Then, when you have sites like that contain no unique relevant informational content (it's all promotional blurbs for services that you don't even offer!) you will know not to submit them!

As it happens, even without the information you should have known to include (if you'd read the "read before posting" before posting), I can tell you that upon initial review it appeared that was submitted to the wrong category (which of course delayed things), but it is now waiting review in Computers/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/Hosting/B , which is one of those categories that is "already hugely comprehensive without your site," -- a surfer is very likely to find whatever they want already -- so you should be prepared for long delays before an editor feels the category needs work, and more delays while the editor works through the large backlog. (I can give you a big number for the "B" subcategory, but "C" and "D" are just as backlogged, and who knows which will be worked first?)

I would recommend not resubmitting either site.


Re: Help submitting two sites

Thanks for the reply hutchenson. But you are incorrect on a few points. Every single service offered on both of those sites are offered by my company. I don't know what gave you the impression that they were not offered? Where did you get that impression?

All of the information contained on both sites are both relevant and unique. I myself am an MBA and an accountant with experience incorporating businesses. My partners additionally include both CPA's and Lawyers.

I must have hit you on the wrong day...but nontheless thanks for the input.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Re: Help submitting two sites

>Every single service offered on both of those sites are offered by my company.

_Offered_, perhaps. But there are many other websites, apparently including at least one already listed, describing the same _provider_ of the _same_ services.

I didn't check every page of the site: basically, when we find one offering made "as if by the provider" and it turns out the provider was really someone else, we assume the whole site is an affiliate banner farm. (That is a very safe assumption 99.99% of the time. It may have been wrong this time -- but even if wrong, rejecting the site was the best choice from the viewpoint of our surfers.)

It's not necessarily harmful to offer products from other websites or entities. But if you do, you need to make sure that they are clearly _distinguished_, and your own unique offerings are clearly _featured._ You also should be aware that "single-service vanity domains" offering related services from the same company are regarded as spam -- your other websites may be what is causing this website to be regarded as spam. You should have one "main doorway" site, submit it ONLY, link to it from all other "single service promo" sites, and link from it to those other sites. The danger here is that the "doorway" may look like a "vanity directory" site; the palliative is to make sure all sites have the same easily findable, identical, verifiable, comprehensive, contact information.

Most of this is simple professionalism, and violations of it are strong spam signals for editors, not to mention fraud warnings for wise consumers. Of course, if you REALLY want to look like an honest practitioner, kick out the fly-by-night spamming SERP perp who gave you that bad advice about lots of little vanity domains, and build one comprehensive site that exhibits the full range of your skills and offerings -- note that sometimes being able to offer a combination of skills will be a competitive advantage.

If you want to review your site from that standpoint, you can revise and resubmit, then ask for a status here again.

And as for bad day -- not to worry, I deal with that kind of spam _everyday_, dozens of cases a week, and always in the same way. Although there are those who differ with me on this, I am persuaded there are no good days to spam the ODP.


Re: Help submitting two sites

Thanks for the time Hutcheson...but again there is no spam....

I have two web sites, for two separates lines of business. One site for incorporating businesses, and one for shopping cart software. Now I am sure you would agree that these are two completely different lines of business.

I believe there is a huge difference between spam, and properly marketing a web site. If I were to own both a gas station and a bakery, would you suggest that I have one site for these two businesses? I am certain that in this case, two independent web sites are necessary. One talking about oil changes, and one taking about catering a wedding.

In order to compete in a market/industry any site owner has to put out a site that a potential online shopper expects to see.


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
Re: Help submitting two sites

Since you have removed any details (i.e. your complete first posting) you don't really expect anybody to answer again?
1) What are we expected to do? Guess?
2) If someone removes information that lead you to believe his sites are spam - you don't really expect him to be honest furtheron, do you?

Your new thread has been closed since we prefer to continue in one place, to have as much information at hand as possible. Even if part of this information has been removed.


Re: Help submitting two sites

Here are the details as you have requested

I was told that my site has been marked being a spam site. Can you please tell me what I features of the site mark it as spam. The site was initially submitted well over one year ago. The site is not an affiliate site, and my company offers all of the services listed.

The site was submitted to this cateogry,


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Re: Help submitting two sites

>Can you please tell me what I features of the site mark it as spam.
This is not in general an allowable question. You can ask for a second review of the site, however.

Here is an approach I'd take in this case, though. There is a wide spectrum of services commonly offered by web designers, closely associated with those their web design services -- but also offered by entities that do NOT do web design.

We were faced with the problem that some web designers would do whatever it took -- the most devious spam, the most deceptive information -- to gain multiple listings in the directory (almost as bad as lawyers and real estate agents!) Part of our response was a guideline that web designers would be listed just once, but that listing could include a brief catalog of their other services (web development, database administration, shopping cart configuration, e-mail, domain name registration, hosting, promotion, etc., etc.)

We are currently seeing a pattern of web designers offering incorporation filing services; clearly, that's just another service related to the ancilliary details of setting up a website: and not an independent website of an independent entity deserving an independent listing.

We carefully don't tell people that breaking their business websites into itty bitty domains is a way of getting extra listings -- and if that impression ever got out, I know what myriads of small web design shops would be doing tomorrow. Indeed, we take every opportunity to debunk that theory.


Re: Help submitting two sites

Hutcheson, you FRUSTRATE me to no end.

Are you implying that a company who builds web sites must forever only build web sites, or that a company can only offer one type of service targeted toward one type of customer. And by the way because you obviously don't know this....but incorporating a business in the US has nothing to do with setting up a website!

and if so why don't you make it your first priority to remove either or Because you know this is a very detailed and corrupt scheme by ONE Corporation to have two separate web sites. You know they both sell computers....or don't you. I suggest that you delete one of their listings from the dmoz.

We are currently seeing a pattern of web designers offering incorporation filing services; clearly, that's just another service related to the ancilliary details of setting up a website: and not an independent website of an independent entity deserving an independent listing.

This is the most idiodic suggestion/quote I have ever heard. There is over $30,000 dollars invested into this website, and it is not to sell anything but incorporation services. SO I am attempting to enquire about what I must change to make this site submittable.

Instead of wasting my time in this forum anymore, because it has provided no helpful information, I will spend my time attempting to become an editor and I'll approve my own listings.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Re: Help submitting two sites

>Are you implying that a company who builds web sites must forever only build web sites, or that a company can only offer one type of service targeted toward one type of customer.

If I were, I think I'd have tried to avoid explicitly saying the exact opposite: that we are all-too-painfully aware that website developers nearly ALWAYS offer multiple related services!

>Incorporating a business in the US has nothing to do with setting up a website!
Legally speaking? perhaps. But legally AND logically speaking, registering a domain name has nothing to do with setting up a website! Practically speaking, our experience leads us to the conclusion that many website developers, including yourselves, find your two services HIGHLY related.

Concerning HP, perhaps I wasn't plain enough in my original posting. I meant to say that the guideline cited referred specifically to web development companies. I had rather hoped that would be taken as implying that it did not refer to computer hardware manufacturers. I feared that listing all the kinds of business NOT covered would have made the post unnecessarily wrong. For that miscalculation I am sorry.

As for our priorities, each editor sets his own. Outside pressure is counterproductive.

As for your budget, you may have failed to divine the purpose of the ODP. We don't review promotional budgets; we review websites. We don't look for conspicuous consumption; we look for unique content. We don't list by "promotional target audience", we list by topics according to our taxonomy and guidelines (which were explained above so that you could make such adjustments in your MAIN site as could justify adding another service to its listing.)

If anything I said left the impression that there was something you could do to that site to "get" it listed, I apologize. I did not mean to imply that. Perhaps I should have explicitly denied it.

You can NEVER "get" ANY site listed, although certain methods of trying will get all your sites permanently delisted. You can legitimately suggest that we review sites (as you did.) You can wait for a volunteer to review it (as they did.) You can request a re-review here (as you have, thus getting one re-review at least, and other editors may also re-review it.) And you can still file a request for an abuse investigation -- with meta-editors, and finally with staff.
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