Help with resubmitting


Apr 21, 2004

A few months ago my site was turned down because it contains articles written by other sources. I have since added more of my own content so that the content from others makes up a smaller percentage of the overall site. Over time this percentage should continue to decrease as I implement my ideas for my site.

At what point should I resubmit my site?

Thank You

Valerie DuVall


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
We can't offer advice on content that isn't there yet. When looking at informational sites, editors will consider several things:

(1) Uniqueness: is this information, perhaps not in these exact words, already available?
(2) Attribution: is the source of this information identified?
(3) Authoritativeness: is this information from a source whose reliability can be ascertained by a reader?
(4) Organization: is the information organized so that a surfer can easily figure out what is there, and how to find any of it that is of interest?
(5) Intention: is the site, whatever its content, there primarily to drive commercial traffic somewhere?
(6) Target: is the site designed for people who are looking for information, or to trick ODP editors into giving a listing?
(7) Summary: would the surfer be helped more by knowing about this site, or by not knowing about it? (A lot of webmasters are shocked by the fact that their site can be far far worse than worthless: that we editors are significantly contributing to the sum of human knowledge by suppressing all knowledge of its existance. But it can happen, and in some areas it is almost certain to happen.)

This isn't a scorecard, and there isn't a passing score. But if a category is already well-populated, a failure in any of them means a probable rejection. In a very sparse category, editors will cut more slack.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.