
I submitted to be the Editor of the band "The Calling" twice...once around 1:00 PM or so from work, and around 8:00 PM at home...both times, after I hit the submit button I got a "page not found" error. I would like to know if there is any way I can find out if my submissions went through or if there is another way that I can submit to be the editor of this section! It takes a long time to complete the application and I'd rather not have the "page not found" error again. Your assistance is really appreciated!!


Mar 25, 2002
Unfortently, the ODP has been suffering from technical difficulties for the past 14 hours which has resulted in various parts of the ODP being unavailable (editors are currently unable to log in, it appears new site submissions are being rejected and now appears the new editor applications are being rejected).

Don't worry, you aren't the only one affected so it isn't personal (if it is, then the ODP has developed a grudge against all current and possibly future editors <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> ), and hopefully it'll be fixed RSN (real soon now), but at the moment we are unable to give a precise time as we don't know ourselves.

Just hang in there and our apologies for the problems that are currently being encountered.

Thank you soo much for your response...what I will do in the meantime is complete the application again and copy it to a word document. I will check this forum for further updates.


May 26, 2002
Actually, that is a real good tip for all people filling in this sort of web form when submitting a site, or an update, or applying to be an editor - type all the answers into a text editor of some sort and save the file to the hard drive, then copy and paste the various parts of the answer into the form. If anything goes wrong and you have to submit it again, then it will only take minutes to copy from the text document, rather than hours having to do it all again from scratch.

I just completed the form....copied and pasted it to a word document, and tried to submit it again. Unfortunately, the Become An Editor form still did not go through. I am happy I have my responses saved. I'm wondering if anyone has an ETA on when the Become An Editor form will be fully functioning? Your responses are appreciated.


May 26, 2002
There are some problems with one of the servers at the moment. Editors have not been able to log in today. There is a temporary workaround in place for the moment, so I would leave it 24 hours then try again.

[ODP may also be off all day Saturday PST for more work]

Giz...I was wondering if you could check to see if I can apply for,_The/
because I continue to get a "page not found" error. If there is already an editor for this catagory, that is fine...I would just like to know if the reason I keep getting the "page not found" error is because the catagory isn't accepting new editor applications.


Apr 1, 2002
The application form is here - found by going to the category and choosing the "Become an editor" link. The category is defintively open to new editor applications.


Hilda...thanks for posting that link. I've applied SEVERAL times now (using that form) and keep getting the "page not found" error. I have the information saved, so I can just keep trying. The last time I got the error, I checked the "browser settings" and it brought up a "this catagory is not accepting new editor applications at this time" so I was curious if this was due to the server having issues or if this catagory was reserved for a more experienced editor. I would really like to apply for this catagory, as I have been a fan of this band for almost a year now and have been to 14 shows. I completely understand if this catagory isn't available, but if it is..I will continue to apply.


Apr 1, 2002
I just tried to apply to that category as an new editor, and it went fine - no 404 page. So it seems there's some problem on your side <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" /> Some other posts in this forum describe browser and/or firewall problems when applying, but I can't recall any of those which gave a 404 error. Do you have access to another computer you could try from? Or perhaps someone more technically minded will drop by here to suggest other solutions.

Categories which are closed to new applications don't show the "become an editor" link at all - compare this cat which is closed to new apps with this one which is open.

* goes to delete that confirmation email I got from dmoz without replying to it - if I actually tried to get a second editor account I would commit a serious guideline violation <img src="/images/icons/ooo.gif" alt="" /> *



Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
Since these errors occur more often lately, it seems as if it is worth to invest some time <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> I just tried to apply for that category and had no problem from a LAN using IE4.

If you would be so kind to supply the following information, I will try to simulate it here. If you dont want to post it to the forum use private mail instead.

1) Browser used
2) Type of internet access (LAN, dialup, dsl, ...)
3) Any firewalls, proxies or routers in use
4) Special software running that might intercept internet-communication

Some things you might try:

* Clear your browsers cache, restart it and try again. If a corupted site is cached it will be reused for some time
* Try another browser
* IE: Set the security settings to be able to access everything
* Turn off any firewalls and related stuff.

Thanks again for your information. I can't understand why I get a 404 error from my home computer. There isn't another computer that I can try (except from my work and that would be a serious no no). I have the form saved in a word document at home. If there is another way to submit the form, I'd really appreciate it.

Windharp...I appreciate your assistance. I am using Cox digital Cable, I will have to check which version of IE I am using when I get home as I am leaving for work. I am unaware of any firewalls on my computer. I have just cleared my "temporary internet files" so hopefully that will help.

I have IE 5 and I don't think I have any firewall I am at a loss as to why I can't submit the form. I'll keep trying.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
If you have IE 5, you have every kind of issue there is.

But since this particular one won't corrupt your hard drive, steal your content, invade your privacy, or enlist your processor into the service of global terrorism, I'd say it has to be pretty far down the list.

Look, I just spent about four hours working on submittals that had this problem, just to get them as quickly as possible into the normal stream of submittals. Don't worry, don't resubmit.

I'd strongly recommend that you consider getting an internet browser, even if you like living dangerously, if for no other reason than to detect a whole new class of errors in your HTML coding.

Just so I understand...did you receive my submission?? If so, I won't resubmit. If not, I was planning on resubmitting in a couple of days. Thank you in advance for your response.


Curlie Meta
Feb 28, 2002
I'm not sure what hutch is saying.. some sort of IE bashing I think. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />

There are no applications from anyone names kraskin.

If you can try using a different browser. You can update IE 5 to IE6, or download Mozilla or Netscape. Both are free, and you can always delete them after if you don't want to keep them.

enarra-Thank you so much for your suggestion to use a different browser. I downloaded Netscape 7.0 and the application went through without a hitch. Whether or not I'm accepted as an editor, I do appreciate the kindness that everyone has displayed towards getting me through this problem. *keeping my fingers crossed*
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